The Two Types Of Success In Asian Cultures

How do Asians define success? What does success mean to an Asian person?

For different Asians living in different parts of the world, success crops up in various forms.

Success in general is hard to define. For some, success is coming in first in class or landing that dream job. For others, it is finishing an entire 12-inch pizza by themselves. But to put it simply, success is considered personal achievements, achievements sometimes influenced by society’s expectations .

Asians living in Asia and Asians living in Western countries usually define success differently. Drawing: Mabel Kwong

Asians living in Asia and Asians living in Western countries usually define success differently. Drawing: Mabel Kwong

Long-held Asian beliefs and customs are at very the heart of livelihoods in many parts of Asia. The mentality of success here, also usually shared by the older Asian generation, tends to be steeped in Asian traditions.

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