5 Reasons Introverts Dislike Phone Calls

If you’re an introvert, maybe you don’t like talking on the phone. Maybe you hate making or receiving calls most of the time.

Maybe you feel anxious hearing the ring or buzz of your phone. Or your heart pounds when you’re dialing someone, scattered mind feverishly wondering what’s to come. Or you go out of your way to avoid making phone calls.Payphone, Londsdale Street Mall, Melbourne, Australia

Talking on the phone can be a difficult experience for many introverts. Introverts or those with a reserved personality may feel phone calls are performative experiences as opposed to engaging moments. In general, introverts gain energy through reflective activities and time alone while the ones who are extroverted or outgoing thrive on interactions and chattiness.

As an introvert, I don’t usually like talking on the phone. This is despite growing up hearing my Chinese parents excitedly answer the big black corded phone every time it went RING RING in the hallway at home. Countless times I watched them yell down the line (really loudly really making sure they were heard) to chat with equally loud Chinese relatives for hours. I never related with such loquacious communication.

When you much prefer messaging or texting, it can feel like a nightmare until the phone stops ringing or buzzing or the phone conversation ends. Sometimes telephobia or telephone anxiety could be a real thing too, making it even harder to approach phone calls if you’re an introvert. And here are some other reasons why introverts may not always like speaking on the phone.

1. No time to think or prepare

Phone calls that you aren’t expecting put you on the spot. Starting off with small talk and pleasantries, you don’t know where the conversation goes. For introverts who like planning and thinking things through, this may be unnerving: you feel unprepared or rushed especially if it’s someone unknown on the phone, feeling unable to offer thoughtful ideas.

At times you might pause on the phone to collect yourself, leading to awkward silences. So you find it hard to express your true self let alone your thoughts over the phone – far from having meaningful and intentional deeper talk that you normally like.

When friends call me out of the blue, I always feel caught off guard. Even with really good friends, I wonder what to say after greeting each other – preferring if they had messaged first to give me a heads up for a chat.

2. No visual cues

When you’re talking on the phone, you can’t read expressions or body language. That can be intimidating if you’re an introvert or quiet person who likes to observe. Often you want to be self-aware as much as possible, observing and being mindful of others’ emotions.

If it’s a call from an unknown or private number, it can be hard to know who is on the other end of the line. It can be draining figuring out who you’re really talking to and maintain your composure to match the enthusiasm of the call.

Payphone, Bourke Street Mall, Melbourne, Australia (01)

3. You worry about being too soft

Not all introverts are soft-spoken. But for those who are or aren’t used to speaking up on the spot (not to be confused with being shy), you may anxiously wonder if the person on the phone can hear you loud and clear. Or if you actually make sense talking over the phone.

There have been times when the other person on the phone said to me, ‘Sorry, I can’t hear you’ or flat out matter-of-fact stated, ‘There’s some background noise’. While I never take it personally, these are scenarios where you’re being judged for your presence on the phone. However, conflictingly at the same time, the other person over the phone is giving you their time of the day – and you probably genuinely want to make sure they can hear you.

4. One sided conversation

Many introverts like to listen and take time considering their thoughts. When you’re on the phone, you may often find yourself listening a lot and the other person dominates the call. You could find it hard to get a word in especially if the other person is eager to chat away. Though there is much value and virtue in listening as an introvert, when you don’t get to say much on a call, you wonder your value and virtue of partaking in conversation.

Payphone, Melbourne, Australia

5. You want peace and quiet

Many introverts gravitate towards solitude. When there’s an unexpected phone call or one that goes on for quite a while, you may feel like your space is intruded upon. You might not like being interrupted or disturbed by a phone call in the first place. And you’re likely to message or text to comfortably keep your peace and quiet.

*  *  *

Sometimes there is not much choice but to make or take a phone call. When you have to be on the phone as an introvert, perhaps you might want to set expectations that you’re available for a short chat or set a topic you want to chat about. Or you can space out making or taking calls so as to not overwhelm yourself. Ask the person on the line if they can hear you right at the start.

At one point in my life I worked in a call centre handling inbound calls. Sometimes I took over a hundred calls a day in a non-scripted environment, with only a short minute in between calls to take the next call. The introvert in me felt drained each day: drained from wearily anticipating each call one after the other, drained from talking to strangers and helping them as best as possible all day. But it was a character-shaping experience. With each person whom I spoke to, no matter how chipper or angry their voice sounded, each desired connection – human connection where they are heard and seen.

The universal denominator between introverts who are wary of phone calls and those who don’t mind conversing on the phone, is the need for connection. Perhaps it’s a kind of one-to-one connection with one someone or a kind of connection with something intangibly wider – connecting with others in order to connect with oneself on another level.

Payphone, Lonsdale Street Mall, Melbourne, Australia (01)

Everyone has different preferences of communicating and ways of self-expression alongside their individual wants and needs. So it’s no surprise some of us like phone calls and others don’t. A study on mobile phone users in the UK found those who are phone averse feel texting provides the remote social connection they need, while eager phone talkers see texting as a complimentary medium to calls. Another study suggests extroverts are much more comfortable than introverts at making phone calls in public places.

Admittedly there are times when talking on the phone is easier and more convenient. For instance, calling someone may be the best way to explain something or tell a complex story when you can’t meet in person. Sometimes you might just need a good two or three hour phone chat with a good friend who happens to be far away. Often in such instances, introvert or not, you probably have minimal qualms about chatting on the phone.

These days where many prefer connecting through social media, perhaps there’s less inclination to make or take calls the traditional way with your mobile phone or a landline. Voice messages, video chats and Zoom are the norm these days – arguably the new phone calls. It’s interesting to note extroverts seem to have lower levels of Zoom fatigue and it has been discussed high-functioning introverts tend to enjoy spending less time communicating on social media. Though you can virtually see each other on video, for some introverts speaking and being on video at the same can be doubly draining: there’s the constant talking with the added stimulation of visibly presenting oneself as engaged. On some occasions I’ve talked the hours away with friends across the world on social media – sometimes with the camera off.

Payphone, Bourke Street Mall, Melbourne, Australia (02)

There’s always a sense of urgency when the phone rings or buzzes as an incoming call drops in, same with getting a message. Almost always you instinctively shift your attention towards that incoming yet intangible, unseen connection. On questioning why one feels compelled to answer a ringing phone, media theorist Marshall McLuhan said:

‘Why does a phone ringing on the stage create instant tension?…(The) phone is a participant form that demands a partner, with all the intensity of electric polarity.’

The ringing and urgency of answering the phone gives rise to a tension to reach out, a certain importance in the air. And that importance is your innate deep desire for connection. Participating in the act of talking on the phone is a choice to connect – a choice to be a part of the power of connection. I can’t relate to my parents talking loudly and excitedly on the phone. But I can quietly relate why.

It’s a privilege to talk and connect with each other, even for a moment. Over the phone.

Do you like or dislike phone calls?

135 thoughts on “5 Reasons Introverts Dislike Phone Calls

  1. I dislike phone calls, like you. I consider Email and later chat-possibilities as one the most useful inventions in modern life. I much rather write then talk over the phone, but I do agree that talking is some cases is preferable. It does excist, people writtng a note to announce a phone call. That I call consideration. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I so agree that email and written form chat are very useful inventions. There is usually more time to think when talking in writing, more intentional and you get to pause to think about the relationship with the other person. Like you I feel it is considerate to write to tell someone you are about to call. Some do find it strange. But I guess that’s a preference 🙂

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  2. Very thought-provoking post, Mabel. I don’t consider myself an introvert or an extrovert (I’m somewhere in the middle). But I truly do not love talking on the phone. Video calls are much, much better for me. The visual cues and connection make a huge difference!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Donna. Maybe sometimes you are a bit of both introvert and extrovert, or ambivert which is the inbetween. Or you could be simply yourself. That is great video calls work for you and you like them. They can be fun when you have something engaging to talk about. Hope you are doing well back home 🙂


      • Gday Mabel,

        I dunno if I categorise as as introvert or extravert. I don’t care for labels. Anyways, for a time I worked as call centre agent dealing with Computer peripheral queries and software questions. I can enjoy writing, but unless the other knows what I mean it can be mis- interpreted. Let’s say I ask you to picture a car. What car would that be? You may think of an ute, while I have a bright red coupe in mind. Nuances aren’t always present in written form. Calls would be more suitable to get more info. And the ultimate way is still F2F (or if one must insist: webcam). I remember long distance calls spanning half a world, and the sense of urgency when phone rings. Nowadays, I don’t rush to pick up the phone. If it’s urgent they’ll call again. If I can’t take a call, I don’t take the call. Fact that someone calls me doesn’t mean I am available to take a call (nowadays I no longer in the call centre world).

        For me, it’s a choice of which communication method I find suitable for a given situation, and knowing the limitations of the various forms. How you look at that?

        Pls, keep yer thoughts/blogs coming!



        • I love how you say it, Edward, that ‘I don’t care for labels’. For most part, I don’t care for labels too. But that’s a topic and post for another day. Your call centre agent role where you dealt with software questions seems like a role where you needed to be switched on. Someone can say one thing but you wonder what really is it they are referring to. With a call it’s much easier to clarify and get an explanation, though sometimes it can take some time because some things are harder to understand and explain.

          I agree it’s about limitations and boundaries when it comes to handling phones especially if you’re not too keen on using the phone. I also like how you don’t always answer the phone. In general when someone is free or not doing anything, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are available to take a call – or even talk to someone, help out someone and so on.

          Thank you for the encouragement. Stay safe.


          • G’day Mabel,
            I don’t mind technology and gadgets, but I don’t always need the distraction and find myself having turned off audible/visual notifications. And only let them show up in a summary. In my current role, I am no longer working the phone full time. In my role in operations, I need to reach out to others to sync. I did have moments in the beginning where I didn’t want to disturb and tried to pick a good time for a call. But nowadays, everyone has a busy agenda. So I let the other decide to take the call or not. In biz/ops, communication is key. I do love the moments I can work on topics w/o being disturbed, and then the DND mode is awesome. I also enjoy pecking my thoughts instead of a call. It’s a nice challenge to use words to convey the mood/feeling. I’m sure you and others would read this reply with different stresses, than I would. And it alters the meaning somewhat. Lastly, I like how text/chat doesn’t have the time pressure (something you mentioned as: realtime/being put on spot) and a conversation can take a break and continue later. As for the introvert/extravert label: I guess I do ok in both modes. I got hobbies where I am by myself, and have hobbies that require 2 or more. Think: dimsum food fight: those are best with more than 1. But when I am taking pics of nature, I enjoy that better alone. It works better for talking to myself. 😉


            • That is so true and spot on, that everyone has a busy agenda. Everyone is busy people with busy lives at work and elsewhere. It is considerate of you to decide to let the other person take the call and hold no grudges against that. For all you know, it’s just not a good time – and they may also make time to actually call you back or have a chat in person when they are available which personally I do not mind. I see this as being accommodating.

              Texting or messaging really does not have much of a time pressure. It generally is considered a more casual form of communicating, and a kind of communication where you use things like short-form words and emojis. I think it’s also the norm to take days or a while to reply a text or message, or not at all. But it is the kind of communicating that works for some people all the time, serious talk or not so serious talk 🙂


  3. I’ve lived so far away from my family for so many years that I’m used to talking to them on the phone and I mostly enjoy it (maybe like your parents). Plus, when I’m walking dogs, it’s impossible to text–my younger sister and I have a routine where we both take walks while chatting long distance. It’s also easier to keep an eye on my kid when I’m talking into a headset versus staring at a screen. As for the irritating sounds of the phone ringing, well, I’d argue it’s equally irritating to get multiple short texts for the same person: “bing! bing! bing!” before you’ve had a chance to even look at one of them. At the same time, there are some people I absolutely will not talk to on the phone–usually coworkers who’ve lied about or denied past conversations. It’s texts or emails for those folks, because I like having receipts.

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    • I really like your take on this, Autumn. Very interesting and definitely another perspective. It does sound more convenient to talk on the phone when walking dogs that can pull you in all directions and with distractions at home. Sometimes talking on the phone in public can be preferable over texting or looking at the screen – easier to look out for yourself and make sure no one is following you for instance. Oh yes, there are some people who you really don’t want to talk to directly. It’s always nice to have your receipts to keep yourself and everyone accountable when it comes to work. Miscommunication and misunderstandings can be so common.

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  4. Phone is a great connector even introverts love to talk to their family and friends. I had a love-hate relationship with phone till smart phones came into our hands and now we can use them at our convenience. Text culture has helped in reducing the calls. FaceTime is a modern blessing… I love it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, phone can be a great connector for introverts at times. It is good that FaceTime works for you and hope you have had and continue to have many chats with your friends and family. It’s so easy to connect with others anywhere these days. Take care, Balroop 😊

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  5. A profound post! Introverts find it very difficult to cold call someone, or even someone they may know. They feel like they are intruding! I get it.
    Mobile phones have made our conversations much more public but in workplaces, it is also difficult for the introvert when there is a big office.
    When I worked in a call centre, it was the most difficult job. Like you, it exhausted me mentally and as it was sale driven, emotionally a rollercoaster as you always had to sound upbeat. As you pointed out, you learnt a lot about communication. In the end my voice and lungs gave out and I got sick, ending my tenure in that line of work.

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    • Thanks, Amanda. I so agree about cold-calling. It can be so hard for introverts and it really does feel like you are intruding on someone’s time and personal space. Mobile phones are great for communicating on the go. At the same time, listening to people talk on the phone in public isn’t always a welcome experience.

      It sounded like that call centre role was not for you. Aside from sounding upbeat, you probably had to speak fairly loudly above all the other voices around you – and that can cause strain on the vocal chords. And the voices of others around you may have also made it hard to hear the other person on the phone. It must have been a relief for you to end that line of work. Health should always come first. I remember when I left this area of work, I felt much less calmer. Sometimes talking-heavy roles aren’t just for introverts.


      • Absolutely. The telemarketer position was not for me. I could not continue in the role. There were some truly gifted communicators working there and I did learn a lot from them. So I am glad to have done it but I would not want to do it ever again.


        • It is amazing how some are really suited to being a telemarketer or talking on the phone as a living all day. They probably have a way with people with their spoken words. I admired such people when I worked in the call centre. Amazing to watch how they can sound so loud and confident all day without missing a beat 😄

          Liked by 1 person

          • I know, right? They truly have a gift. Some were the most delightful and heart-warming people to speak to, as colleagues, but a few were mean-spirited, using their loquaciousness to ill effect.


            • That reminds me. I had a few colleagues in the call centre who sounded condescending on the phone. Not sure if their tone was deliberate – and in real life off the phone, they were lovely people. Maybe they just were used to sounding like that on the phone. But as you said, some were indeed delightful and heart-warming.


  6. So many thoughts on this post. Yes, introverts don’t like to talk or engage much which explains why their phone calls are short because it is usually one-sided. I also know of many introverts who prefer phone calls ver meeting in person because they feel more comfortable in non-face-to-face situations. I think the level of introverts also varies. no two introverts are alike. In fact, some are situational also. Not enough has been discussed or talked about this aspect. In general, it is assumed that all introverts are alike, which is not true.
    As always, you love to write about what is not written or discussed much. Great post, Mabel. Thanks for sharing your perspective on this topic.


  7. You’re preaching to the choir here. I’m an introvert and avoid the phone, have done so my whole life. I hit all of your points. Like you said “Admittedly there are times when talking on the phone is easier and more convenient.” I admit it, but I also admit I get anxious when I have to do so. Modern life, so tough in weird ways.


    • That is amazing you have managed to avoid the phone for a long time. Maybe you can keep the streak going. I’ve had to talk on the phone for work and other kinds of occasions. It has gotten easier but there are still times when I would rather not chat on the phone 😄

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  8. I’m an introvert, and I find it funny that my current job is essentially being on the phone all day with clients. I absolutely despised taking phone calls when I was younger, and I would’ve much preferred to have texted/emailed instead. And as I still do prefer those modes of communication today, I find that my overexposure to phone calls with my job has made me less anxious about doing so. Definitely helped!


    • That is great your job has made you less anxious about phone calls. Sometimes you just have to talk on the phone and then you get used to it a bit more. I think I’ve gotten used to talking on the phone a bit more. But then there are times when I really do not want to 😄 Good on you for interacting with your clients on the phone!

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  9. Oh gosh. Yes, yes, yes, yes and…. Yes. Hate the phone. Rarely call anyone. Calling strangers, even just to book a haircut, would take days of nerving myself. Online appointment bookings have been my saving grace. If I have to make a call, I’ll spend ages rehearsing what I need to say.

    But I do agree there are times when it’s just easier. Usually for me it’s in high stress situations and I just really need to talk something through.


    • Yes, online hairdresser bookings are such a wonderful thing! If I want to know if something is available in store, I’d usually go to the website and use the ‘Check store availability’ function or online chat to see if they got it before making a trip in – no need to call the store directly and ask.

      Certainly there are exceptions when it comes to making phone calls. But also no shame in getting around it if you can.

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  10. I dislike answering phones but that’s because I managed a telephone helpline for mentally ill people. It makes me jump when the phone rings. On the other hand I really love a long chat with an old friend or relative – it just depends on how I feel.


  11. I absolutely hate getting phone calls and have asked my friends to text in future unless it’s an emergency. I do not have the time to prepare and there is the anxiety of not knowing how to end the call. It’s very nerve-wracking! Great post my friend


    • Yes I agree there can be anxiety as to how to end the call and not knowing how. So stressful. And you also want to be polite when ending the call, and it can be so awkward when leaving the call! Miss you my friend ❤


  12. Indeed the telephone has fallen down the ladder rung of communication. When I was a child and teen, even into my 20’s, the phone was the only communication besides letters. Ha. I’m giving my age away. Today, there are so many different ways to communicate that the phone call seems to be the last resort (ironically, we are all carrying phones with us 24-7).

    Mabel, you made me smile with this: “I never related with such loquacious communication.” 😀
    Well, imagine call waiting…some great invention (in the 90’s) that allowed a telephone conversation to be interrupted to allow another call to come in. Talk about annoying. I get zoom fatigue along with social media fatigue. I rarely talk on the phone anymore either, except with my kids. So, I believe I am with you on this. I must be an introvert.


    • The phone has gone through much transformation, from the big black corded phones to the phones on the walls to the cordless phones and these days, mobile phones. And yes, ironically we are all carrying mobile phones 24/7 and most of the time many of us don’t use it to make calls the usual way.

      Oh, I remember call waiting. Like you I remember the times of abruptly having a call interruped and having another call come in. I think these days you can still do that, but it’s sort of become the norm to have another call coming in or multiple messages coming in at once – such is the digital world that we live in today. Social media fatigue is also a thing and I too get social media fatigue. Sometimes I take a break from it or not reply to messages, or simply replying to messages when I feel like it. Hope you are doing well, Lisa 😊

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  13. I’m a text person Mabel. I chat happily with a friend overseas for half an hour or so, but those calls are preceded by a text ‘are you free to chat’. I’m not a truly introverted person, but I like my personal space and I like to be able to invite people into that space rather than be surprised by the intrusion. Hope you remained safe during the recent storms.


    • Very considerate of you to text before making a call and warmly inviting them into your personal space. Very well put. Sometimes it’s best to know if the other person wants a chat, making sure they are not in the middle of something or have something planned. It’s sort of like you don’t want someone coming over to your house all of a sudden. It’s been very wet here and been keeping an eye on the water levels. All good over here thankfully. Thanks for stopping by and hope you are doing well, Andy 🙂


  14. Interesting as always, Mabel. The introvert in me does not mind talking on the phone. When you add a camera to that, I want to shrink to the size of a ladybug. That’s too much for me. And whilst I prefer in person connections with others, I will take a phone call over a text or an email, both seemingly impersonal to me. But all forms of communication are of course valid. And I would rather hear from my kids via text than to not hear from them at all!
    In the end, we are all so different. I find it harder and harder to categorize, the older I get. I guess I have seen so many permutations in all sorts of things and people, that I just try to let it all be. But as always, I love your reflections! 💓💓💓


  15. I’m of the generation when you used to run to the phone in hopes it was your friend, or because it was fun to do. And I was late to get a mobile and smart phone. I didn’t like the idea of being ‘on call’ whenever and wherever, but I saw the value of it when relocating and looking for a new job or apartment.

    Now that I’ve been in Thailand for 10+ years, I’ve had to get over any fear or discomfort of picking up cold calls because they can be delivery or doctor appt confirmations or something equally important to me. If it’s spam, the whole situation becomes amusing because once they hear my English they hang up.

    The phone is also my way of communicating with my mom, who is technologically adverse, so for better or worse, I have to use it!


    • So interesting to read your comment, Lani. I smiled at the part when you mentioned you used to run to the phone hoping it was your friend calling. I had those moments too when I was in highschool – hoping the big phone in my living room would ring and it would be my classmate wanting to talk nonsense 😄

      It is great you got over your discomfort of answering cold calls. Good to know that it usually would be someone you were expecting. Some places would show up in the caller ID on your mobile – at least that’s the case on mobile phones here in Australia though sometimes this is not entirely accurate. Yes, sometimes you just got to use the phone because that’s how others communicate, by phone. Hope you are well and take care 💕

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  16. Mostly I want peace and quiet. My brother is a talker, so when he calls, I just let him ramble on.

    The spam calls are the worst, which is, most likely, hated by both introverts and extroverts. Even with caller ID, waiting for the phone to stop ringing is immensely frustrating.


    • You said it, Glynis. Peace and quiet, and not always talking on the phone. I get you on that.

      Agree, spam calls are annoying, and so are the robocalls. The name showing up on Caller ID might not always be accurate and I always make sure to look at the number carefully before answering. You can never be too careful about answering the phone these days.

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  17. Again your writing surprises me, Mabel. The way your mind thinks is amazing. You are so logical and so thorough! Fantastic post, my friend. You’ve opened my eyes to another way of perceiving something as simple as a phone.

    For years I dreaded the phone. I felt actual fear for I am a visual type of person and not to see someone speak brought up all these anxieties within me. I’m also a bit dyslexic so anything with numbers, say, I couldn’t grasp. For most of my life, I ran from the phone.

    Yet of late, I don’t mind the phone and in fact, I do enjoy it now. When I don’t want to talk, or be interrupted by a ringing bell which can still induce anxiety, I turn the ringer off. I do not have my cell turned on when I go out of the house and usually only carry it with me for emergency purposes or if I choose to use it for the camera. I do not have my phone on my person in the gym and yes I am the oddball for 99.99% of the clientele are busy looking into their cell, talking on their cell, or texting while working out. What is the purpose of working out if your mind is otherwise engaged? Makes no sense to me.

    I actually look forward in speaking with my sister and brother who live out of state from me. I don’t see them so we chat on the phone to catch up on our lives. I’ve come to realize that a phone can be seen as a good modality or one that holds fear factors. I suppose I’ve worked through those fear issues so I no longer dread using the phone. Either that I’m more inclined to be open and actually eager to communicate, due to how little interchange I do have with the human race most days.

    Again excellent writing!! I always learn something when I come here. Thank you, Mabel!!


    • What a thoughtful, touching comment, Amy. I am humbled to read your reflections. I applaud you for being aware of your hesitancy around the phone but have managed to use your strengths and turn that around and make communication work for you. It is great you know how to set boundaries and put the phone aside when you are really not in the mood to talk or be interrupted.

      Sometimes I also find it strange when people working out in the gym are on their phones. Maybe they want to take their mind off working out. But I agree with you here. When I work out, I do not want to be on my phone and I want to be focused on working out, not chatting away.

      That is great you look forward to speaking with your sister and brother on the phone. The phone can really connect us to the people who matter to us no matter how far away. You have worked through the fear of phone issues well – and you are certainly good at communicating in your art, photography and writing too. I guess what I’m trying to say overall, you are a wonderful communicator. Thank you for your kind words. Take care out there and enjoy yourself 💕

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  18. Hi Mabel, thanks for another well-considered and reasoned post. In my work time, I just push through and make the calls I need to.
    In my private life, I tend not to call apart from family and people I feel close to.


  19. Over 100 calls a day! You must have been very good at answering! I don’t know whether I can handle that many.
    What about answering all those calls that want your vote or your money? Every elections season, we get quite a few of them every day even though we listed our number on the “do not call” list.


    • I like to think I am efficient at doing things, though not always the case like a normal person. It must be annoying for you to et those calls asking to vote or for your money. I guess anyone can call you these days so long as they have your number.


  20. Hi Mabel:) I don’t mind, just depends, but then no one calls me anyway(not even the girls:) ). I guess am a cold hearted introvert. Beside who ever call an introvert? As the the “depend situation” I don’t like answering or talking with strangers on the phone because my voice is soft tone. Not sure if that the correct term to use, but people will mistake my voice for a female.


    • Awww, no one calls you. But you get your space and quiet 🙂 It sounds like you tend to be polite on the phone. Talking on the phone can be hard when your voice is soft. My voice is also on the softer side and sometimes people can’t hear it over the phone. Hope you are doing well, Michael.


  21. You have offered some interesting perspectives on phone calls, Mabel. I think I’d put myself into the ‘don’t want to talk on the phone’ variety, though I do enjoy calls from my family. I’m never good at ‘small’ talk so find it difficult to make conversation when there’s nothing to talk about. I don’t mind making calls to enquire about things. I never answer unknown or private numbers, unless I am expecting a call from one. Having said all that, I do find texting back and forth time consuming and a pain when a quick phone call would have solved the issue in much less time. Like a true Gemini, I am undecided and change my mind multiple times. 🙂


  22. Great thoughts dearest Mabel… and I used to be that person who so disliked making a phone call…
    That was in the days I used to have to walk half a mile to a phone box in our village to make one.. LOL… And that phone box had a horrid aroma of odours you wouldn’t wish to inhale.. LOL..
    I remember myself trembling as a teenager while putting the pennies in the slot pressing the button and waiting for someone at the other end to speak…

    It wasn’t until my job role required me to use the phone regularly that my nervousness went..

    Even now I do not dominate a phone call…. I am the listener, lol, usually waiting for a gap, a pause in breath, before I speak…

    Unlike my typing fingers that never know when to shut up. LOL

    I like my peace and quiet space…

    Sending lots of love Mabel and you shared some very interesting views on this topic my friend.. Thank you ❤


    • That is such a great story, walking a fair bit to the phone box in your village to make a call. You’d have to time your call before it got cut off – making what you say count. I remember using phone boxes back in the day when I was a young kid in school when I wanted to call home during recess or after school. I can understand how you don’t like the aroma of a phone booth…you never know who might have been in there. Hopefully you always managed to make your calls when you used the phone booth. It sounded like a fair bit of effort 🙂

      You are very considerate on the phone, a listener. I am sure many who have talked to you, in phone or in person, have valued your generosity and time. Peace and quiet space is always good to have. It’s a space to connect with ourselves and beyond.

      Lots of love to you to, Sue. You are so thoughtful in your typing words. Thank you for stopping by and hope you are well 💕


  23. Oh, how did I miss this post! I also dislike phone calls, especially when they come unannounced (if for example a friend says, I’ll call you tomorrow at 5, that’s perfectly fine haha). I hate them especially when I need to do something bureaucratic and the only way is contacting the place by phone. Phone calls are inconvenient and interrupt people working! (Well, when they do actually pick the phone, which is almost never. Recently, it took me 15 calls in 2 days to my local clinic for them to pick up and give me a nurse appointment…)


  24. Hi Mabel! An interesting topic here and got me thinking. While I do not dread phone calls I think I don’t enjoy them either. And from the people I would enjoy, they never call me for a chat 😀 But that’s probably a good thing for all is well with them and hence no need to call – at least that’s how I see it. What I absolutely detest are unannounced video calls -that really feels like an invasion of privacy. I would much much prefer texting and emails. And commenting 😀 Cheers


    • That makes sense you don’t dread phone calls. I can’t imagine you dreading them since you seem to like chatting and maybe can chat all day 😀 I like how you say it – people don’t call because all is well. So agree with that and would rather have no news and no phone call.

      I do wonder why some feel it’s okay just to call someone especially with video just like that. It must be their preference. Thanks for stopping by. Oh, for that you get some burger and fries. It’s been way too long 🍔🍟😀


  25. I like phone calls. I got a mobile just about 4 months ago… I sincerely hate typing to text anything at all due to typo errors, etc. Just time-consuming.

    Except for just 1-2 friends who provide me decent emails of length, I find it’s best to get latest news by phone from family and other friends. They just can’t be bothered to type much in. Believe me, I strongly suggest it if you want know some people better.


    • Sometimes typing can be a bit of a hassle especially if it’s a long message. Hope your mobile isn’t too bad and it’s being friendly. True that talking directly with others is a good way to get to know them, and get to know them deeply. Connection can be much stronger this way, and in person. Your friends sound like really good friends who will reach out and check on you.


  26. Precisely the reasons why I hate speaking on the phone! The first one is the most annoying, especially when you have to converse in a foreign language… I also found video calls a daunting task. For me, it’s very uncomfortable when someone keeps staring at my face. They can see my flaws 🙂


    • Oh, that is a very good point, talking on the phone in another language! That is can be even more challenging. That is such a good point about video calls especially meeting video calls, that people keep staring at your face…and there really is no where else to look 😄

      Liked by 1 person

  27. Pingback: 5 Reasons Introverts Dislike Phone Calls – Trendy Tech Fashion

  28. I enjoyed this excellent article. I am an introvert – thoughtful, creative, and quiet. I live with someone and love my own company. I am never bored while by myself. There’s always something to do – garden, cook, draw, play my piano, pet my animals, be sure the wild birds are fed and watered, write a letter, play a game, read a great book. I absolutely detest the telephone and never initiate a call unless I have first texted the other person to confirm that it’s a good time to talk. There is always a good reason when I initiate a call. It’s never just to blabber. My time is too precious. Thank you for listening.


    • It sounds like you really do enjoy your own company and lovely you have time to yourself, Elvis. I have to agree, that there’s always something to do and that something doesn’t have to be something very grand. I think many introverts take much pleasure, joy and comfort in the simple things. Very considerate of you to text before calling. I do that too to avoid interrupting someone if they are in the middle of something. Thank you for reading and reflecting 😊


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