6 Ways To Avoid Blogging Burnout And Stay Inspired

Blogging burnout happens. It is real and common among many bloggers.

You could be a regular blogger, blogging consistently with a lot of passion. Then one day blogging burnout hits you. You feel a lack of motivation and unfocused each time you sit down to blog.

You wonder where something will take you. The Killers, Melbourne 2018.

You wonder where something will take you. The Killers, Melbourne 2018.

You can’t find inspiration to blog.

You feel drained engaging with your blogging community and tired of marketing your content. Blogging less and less creeps up on you.

This month marks six years since my first post on this blog. Blogging burnout is something I admittedly feel. There are days where I don’t want to blog, let alone write anything.

There are many days where sitting down and writing a blog post feels like a frustrating chore. And there are also days where I feel like quitting blogging altogether.

The reasons for blogging burnout are endless. Many bloggers like me and you might feel it because we get tired from churning out repetitive blog content. You might find overwhelming to keep up with fellow bloggers and reading every post they publish. You don’t see the point of blogging anymore.

Getting out of a blogging rut often involves reflecting on your blogging journey. Recognising what is making you feel stuck is a step towards feeling inspired to blog again.

Here are some ways to overcome and avoid blogging burnout.

Why you do what you do.

Why you do what you do.

1. Ask yourself why you started blogging

Why did you start a blog in the first place?

What are some of the topics you blog about now?

Knowing the reasons behind your blog and blog content can make you see your purpose behind it.

As a blogger, you started blogging for a reason. Over time the more you blogged, the more you may have explored different ideas on your blog. Perhaps you lost sight of what motivated you to blog in the first place. .

Or perhaps you don’t connect anymore with your original reasons on why you started blogging. Your outlook on life, priorities and blog have changed – and you might need to change the reasons you blog.

I initially started the blog to improve on my non-fiction writing skills. Over the years I’ve published my essays on the blog and in academic journals. Over the years I’ve also felt more comfortable writing in more colloquial language on this blog.

As the reasons for blogging change, you could revamp your blog’s theme or write about things that you’ve never written about – giving your blog a new look and feel that resonates with where you’re at in life.

Get up, get organised.

Get up, get organised.

2. Get organised

When you make time for your blogging, chances are you’ll feel less overwhelmed and uncertain with it. There’s a lot involved with blogging: drafting posts, visiting other blogs and sharing your blogs across social media. Setting a blogging routine or schedule can help you keep up with blogging – and give you a sense of purpose behind it again.

At one point, I spent four to five hours at night blogging, going to bed with bloodshot-Chucky-looking eyes.

These days I manage blogging much better: one hour a day reading blogs and answering comments. Two to three hours a week researching topics to write about. A few nights a week drafting a post. An evening editing blog photos. In between blogging with vigour, I get to live life and actually get sleep.

3. Blog less

A month-long sabbatical or just a week’s break could be what you need to recharge and feel the desire to blog again. We all need to live and experience life in order to tell stories.

Unless there’s a zombie apocalypse headed your way, you can always jump back into blogging when you feel ready to return.

Six years ago I blogged once a week. Then I blogged every fortnight. Then once every three weeks. Now it’s once a month. As much as I want to read every post of every blogger I follow, I’ve stopped doing that so as to manage my time – giving my blog and other blogs the attention they deserve.

In addition, having guest posts on your blog is one way to blog less. It’s also a good way to showcase the work of other dedicated bloggers.

There's usually more than one person behind the show.

There’s usually more than one person behind the show.

4. Generate fresh content

If you feel tired of blogging, perhaps blog about what you’ve never blogged about before. Perhaps you could revisit older posts and blog about these posts from a different perspective. Blogging about something different is a way to come up with fresh content while making it feel less mundane.

Learning to effectively tailor your content to a specific audience can also make you more driven as a blogger. Think outside of the box to get your audience engaged with your posts – learn what they like to read and utilise SEO to get in touch with your demographic.

Being a show pony can only get you so far.

Being a show pony can only get you so far.

5. Don’t compare

It’s easy to compare your blog with other blogs. You might wonder why some blogs seem more popular than others. When you compare, you might question if it’s worth blogging.

Unless you want to be a social media influencer or make a living off your blog, there’s no need to compete and outdo other blogs. Blog views doesn’t necessarily translate into blog engagement. There’s only so much satisfaction that comes from triumphing in the popularity stakes for one night, one moment.

In general, blogs that have a large audience are more personable and relatable. For instance, commercial blogs Lifehacker, Gizmodo and Mashable feature posts mostly about everyday technology, dining, relationships and lifestyle tip, and are read by millions each month. Writers Jeff Goins and Stephanie Klein made their mark as authors through blogging about their everyday lives – sharing personal challenges, conversations and parenting ups and downs.

As an introvert, sharing my personal life online isn’t something I want to do. I shun the trends of showing my face on every post and don’t talk about my day job, personal relationships and what I’m doing each weekend. That makes me comfortable with my blog.

When you blog about what you’re comfortable with and what you believe in, you enjoy blogging a lot more.

We're comfortable with what we're comfortable with.

We’re comfortable with what we’re comfortable with.

6. Talk to others who don’t blog

Others who don’t blog can have a refreshing view on blogging. They can provide a different or brutally honest perspective on your blog, giving you feedback on how you can improve it.

Very few of my friends and family are bloggers, and very few read my blog. Whenever I lament to my friends how I’m so done with blogging, they reiterate my blog is ‘cool and famous’ and I’m a quirky bean of a blogger.

* * *

Even after trying all these ways to feel more motivated about blogging, I still found myself in a blogging rut this year. Maybe sometimes when you don’t feel like doing something, you just don’t anymore.

Blogs and bloggers come and go. The average lifespan of a blog post is two years. As blogs are increasingly taking on different formats, a study titled Lifetime Value of a Blog Post found by day 700 since being published, a blog post would have receives 99% of its impressions, Thereafter, information becomes out of date and losses its appeal.

It’s worth asking is blogging still relevant and taken seriously these days. Blog credibility and blogs’ reliability as information sources are often questioned as many opinions on blogs are subjective and aren’t always fact-checked. That said, there are millions of bloggers out there who blog just because they enjoy blogging.

There's something we'll always enjoy.

There’s something we’ll always enjoy.

If you’re thinking about whether or not to continue blogging, perhaps ask yourself what you have achieved with blog so far. Ask yourself what else you want to achieve with your blog, and work towards that.

For me, blogging has become my writing portfolio. It keeps me writing and focused on putting my book out there. It’s a lovely community of different people all over the world voicing their thoughts and learning from each other.

Most of my readers come from the United States, and a handful from Australia. This is not surprising as social analytics platform Sysmos found 29.2% of bloggers are located in the States while just 2.22% in Australia. While maintaining a high readership in Australia isn’t the aim of my blog, it’s interesting to note where my readers are located – giving me insight into reasons why people stop by my blog.

Come tomorrow, let's see where we'll go.

Come tomorrow, let’s see where we’ll go.

Where to from here with this blog is up in the air. Outside of blogging, writing my first book (and another) is underway. There’s people to look out for. Chores to do. Other hobbies I want to pursue like finding the keys to Kashyyyk. So where to with this blog, time will tell.

How do you avoid blogging burnout?

259 thoughts on “6 Ways To Avoid Blogging Burnout And Stay Inspired

  1. Wow! Six is a long time. Congratulations on surviving that number. I’m on my fourth year and have been struggling with blogger burnout for the past couple of months. I wanted to quit when I felt I couldn’t manage posting regularly. Basil asked me why I started blogging. And that’s such a great way to tackle burnout. I wanted to write and blogging is a great platform to meet people who think alike. I’ve reduced my number of posts and I feel more relaxed. I take long sabbaticals when we travel or if important matters need to be attended to. 🙂 Thanks for sharing this, Mabel. You’re not alone in this. xo


  2. Congratulations on 6 years!!! Your hard work and dedication has paid off my friend. I see how many love your blog including myself. Very easy to burn out. When we find something has become a chore or no longer enjoyable it’s time to re-assess. For me I love blogging but come up with new ideas is tiring and even harder to commit to with a baby now. Still I try because I love it. Do what makes you happy always. Blogging has helped us become friends and for that I’m forever grateful xxx

    Liked by 3 people

    • Your blog is an amazing blog, Bec. I initially followed you because you wouldn’t leave me blog alone! But I am so glad I did and I learnt so much about being vegan, reading and now parenting from you and your blog – a constant theme but evolving over the years. I so agree blogging has helped us become great friends, one of the best things ever. Sad that I can’t see you yet but really cannot wait xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Six years is a remarkable time to commit to something like this. I’m sure I mentioned previously that it would be sad to see you go but it’s better for you to look after yourself than to please your ‘followers’. I think I also mentioned before that for various reasons I largely withdrew from social interaction on-line, which is why I don’t have accounts with any of the major so-called ‘social media’. There also seems to be a substantial – still very much a minority, but a large number nonetheless – of folks who talk about the benefits and freedoms of cutting their own ties with social media platforms.

    I think the casual-conversation style of your writing is part of what drew me to your posts originally. It’s like having a conversation, albeit publicly, with lots of people on thought-provoking topics. I probably started ‘following’ you just after you moved away from your more formal academic posts.

    (Tries to banish the thought of Mabel with Chucky-eyes.)

    It’s been fun to talk about anecdotes and personal experiences but there’s a place for non-fiction discussions too. Even what people think is and isn’t fiction…

    With respect to being cautious about how much you reveal of yourself on-line, it’s something my father and his Canadian brother have instilled in me since pre-social media days (think I’ve mentioned that before too). You’ve at least posted the occasional photo with a celebrity or some such – me, people complain all the time how I don’t include myself in photos (even in private collections). Sharing of yourself may make one more relatable and promote ‘likes’/’hits’/whatever, but do you protect yourself and only share a ‘persona’, or do you share everything and risk being attacked personally?

    I had no idea how long personal blogs like these last (given that I don’t read all that many). If you’ve managed six, that’s a big achievement over two, competition or not.

    I also didn’t realise how few of your readers are Aussie. But not surprising, I suppose, given that the Anglosphere Internet seems dominated by American culture. Perhaps it’s also a curiosity factor, Americans wanting to read about Australian experiences, and an Asian-Aussie’s perspective at that.

    I also didn’t know you were interested in Star Wars. What keys might those be? Good to know your writing efforts seem to be starting to pay off. Depending on timing, I’m still willing to help with proof-reading if you need/want it (and trust me enough for it).

    From past discussions, I had the impression that you still enjoy writing but were considering giving up this blog and that any stoppage would unlikely be temporary but permanent. That’s still an option of course, and your prerogative.

    Again, I apologise for adding to the burden of your reading replies! Thanks for all the conversations thus far, and perhaps a few more to come (however infrequent)?


    • I also think it’s quite remarkable that this blog has been around for six years. Six years seems like such a long time ago. Well-being and taking care of oneself is really the most important thing, and it seems you are thinking along those lines too – very kind of you as a person in general. It is amazing that you withdrew from social media for most part. Applaud you for that. I’m in the process of doing a social media cleanup, and some accounts are going.

      Thank you for the honesty on my writing, Simon. Very interesting. Casual-conversation style writing has always and still is a challenge. Don’t have any regrets going down this writing path as it has brought me to write about topics I’ve never thought I’d write about – for instance, birthdays. Sometimes I do think non-anecdotal style is best for presenting certain topics, such especially sensitive topics (faith, gender, racism, politics etc.).

      It’s a great question you posed there about sharing oneself online through photos, and you might just have given me an idea for a future post. The online world is a vast space and I think many have the impression is that the platform is endlessly big and they won’t be a target. Me and you do share selectively online (on my blog, elsewhere) and in a way, we are constructing a personally. I do feel that the only way to get to know a person is over time in person and offline these modern days.

      A lot of personal blogs I’ve encountered seem to go on for a year or at most two. For some reason I’ve always had trouble finding and engaging with Australian blogs. Really is a very different vibe from the blogs based in the States.

      It depends on the era of Star Wars we are talking about, and let’s just say the old-school films were the ones I like best. You probably might know how take over Kaskyyyk. Please, enlighten me 🙂 When I start something, I generally don’t like to stop especially if there’s a passion element to it. If I leave something, it usually is for good. Not one for in-betweens but you just never know with this blog. I do appreciate all the feedback from everyone and you, Simon (always so thoughtful) – it’s something I never expected and dealing with engagement has always been out of my comfort zone XD I hope you’ve been well. Haven’t heard from you in a long time and it crossed my mind you were traveling as you do each year 🙂


      • Hmm, yes and no. I still remember a lot of things from around 2012. Mostly not so good things, but it was those things that spurred me to look after myself and withdraw from on-line interaction. At the same time, 2012 was a lot different to 2018, especially in terms of culture and general society, so it also feels quite distant.

        Oh good, more ideas for you, push back the day when you quit this blog. 😉 Security through obscurity is a poor way to approach things, one always has to be careful on-line. I think that’s the difference between real friends and ‘facebook friends’, having an off-line connection or at least meeting in person where you can really see someone for who they are. Cultivating a persona for on-line interaction can be helpful in separating personal from public life – in much the same way I imagine celebrities might have to. But if there’s too much difference between the two, that can’t be healthy either. I’ve mentioned before how I am on-line is pretty much how I would speak face-to-face, although perhaps not as confident if speaking with complete strangers.

        I’ll take your word for Aus vs US tone. Yours is probably the closest thing I’ve come to following a personal blog on a regular basis. You even make me consider if there’s anything I could write about on regularly. But then I got better. (That was a joke.)

        The original trilogy was my first, and I can understand why people – especially older folks – look on them the most fondly but for all the criticism the prequel trilogy received, I rather enjoyed them too (I always get chills when I see Palpatine’s grand plan come to fruition). As for the sequel trilogy… well, I was enthusiastic initially but I have mixed feelings towards Episode VIII and am becoming wary of the direction it’s going. But I’m reserving judgement for after Episode IX. I used to keep up with the novels (can blame/credit my first girlfriend for getting me into them) but they’ve pretty much been wiped out by Disney. There were some great stories and characters there, but also some pretty weird/crazy/poor ones too, so maybe it’s not all bad that they were discarded.

        As for Kashyyyk, I know that it’s the Wookiee home planet but as for conquest I can only imagine that’s in the context of a game. The player does visit Kashyyyk in Knights of the Old Republic but that was purely a visit, so I can only guess… The Old Republic? Never played that – again, staying away from on-line stuff, but I’d be interested to know what you mean by trying to conquer it.

        I can understand the no-compromises approach. You commit to something or not at all. I suppose I can be like that a lot of the time too. That you say engagement is outside your comfort zone surprises me given how much you devote yourself to replying to pretty much everyone who writes to you here and remember that’s possibly the main reason why I keep coming back to read your posts. 🙂 But perhaps it’s something you’ve grown accustomed to after six years.

        Surely not that long, I only missed one post and that’s because (for the first time) I felt I didn’t have anything constructive to offer. But thank you for thinking of me, I wasn’t travelling – already had my holiday in April and my annual Pilbara service in July. In fact, it was my parents travelling this time, to China for a cousin’s wedding – first time for Dad, second time for Mum. Definitely a challenge negotiating the cultural differences!

        Look, there I’ve gone again, written too much. Never a dull moment conversing with you! 🙂


        • 2012 and 2018 are two very different times, and I think 2018 we are so much more exposed when we put ourselves online, and for some of us much more willing to share. Blogs have taken on different forms over these past years. For instance, Tumblr is regarded as a blogging platform alongside WordPress, though I think Tumblr appeals more to a certain demographic.

          I do have quite a few topics I want to write about, and have planned out next year’s blog lineup. I did that last year, but in the end some topics didn’t eventuate because I wasn’t feeling inspired to write about them. ‘Security through obscurity’ – I think that can be done offline too. Some can be reserved offline like they are online, putting on a mask or being discrete when interacting face-to-face. I’d fine someone hard to read if their online and offline persona are markedly different. Maybe that’s just the way they are, or they have conflicting personalities.

          To be honest reading your comments on my blog, I am inclined to think you are the better writer (look at all those tangents you bring to the discussion), and also the one with more ideas. Not only you got better, but you are the better one 🙂

          Seems like you know Star Wars quite well. The original trilogy is the one I enjoyed the most and always enjoy it when I rewatch it. I thought the prequel trilogy was okay (I was in Singapore when it was released, marketed heavily and a lot of my friends enjoyed it), but not a massive fan and the current ongoing sequel, I am finding it hard to get into it. As for Rogue One and Solo…I felt as standalones, narrative-wise both films couldn’t get going for me – at the end of the films, I thought the story barely started. Haven’t read the books or played the games…maybe something to do when I am bored unless you can convince me otherwise.

          As for Kashyyyk, I hope to find the planet and see how it is like (and avoid upsetting a Wookiee in the process). For one, I really want to know how the planet’s name is pronounced given there’s conflicting information on this.

          ‘You commit to something or not at all.’ You hit the nail on the head. That phrase is a bit spooky to me, because I am exactly like that XD It is challenging getting to comments not in terms of volume, but in terms of trying to see things from other’s point of view – and after all these years I have learnt that I am not always right, and to be a better listener. Every visit from everyone is appreciated, and sometimes I wonder why some are patient enough to write reflective responses 🙂


          • I can’t comment on the on-line social aspect of 2012, you have the more experience there. I know that platforms have risen and fallen, with a handful of big names hanging around. I was thinking about those years in general, not specifically to on-line interactions, but clearly there are a lot of differences. I feel like (western) society is a lot more toxic now than ever – both off-line and on – but given an opportunity to speak face-to-face, one-on-one, people are usually a lot more receptive and understanding than in public with blanket statements and misunderstandings, or the anonymity of the Internet and toxic aggression.

            Oh wow, plans for at least next year. Sounds good! Even if you don’t feel like writing on all of them, you may find new ideas along the way. That reminds me of The Mask movie: ‘we all wear Masks, Wendy, metaphorically speaking’. A bit of a silly, but fun, movie, but what it has to say about hiding our true personalities behind fake personas in (often) vain attempts to please others is a good message. Someone with markedly different personalities on-line and off I would think either has a serious problem (schizophrenia, etc) or is perhaps insecure like Ipkiss (Jim Carrey’s character) in The Mask.

            I appreciate your compliment. I think perhaps you have a greater motivation to write – I’m only writing here as a matter of conversation, you write because you want to share thoughts or knowledge about something. I don’t really have thoughts on popular topics that I could churn out on a monthly basis. If I go off on tangents, that’s probably because I like to converse – and maybe I just don’t get that opportunity to do it much. About the closest I came to a proper blog post was something I wrote for Easter 2012 (https://www.deviantart.com/wedge009/journal/So-just-where-did-that-body-go-294228590). It’s not even an original idea, but looking back on it, I would happily say I still agree with everything I wrote back then (how appropriate, 2012 vs 2018).

            Of Star Wars, I’m perhaps more enthusiastic than the average movie-goer, but not so fanatical as to know all the minutiae of every single comic book, novel, card and computer game, etc. I also stepped back when I felt the novels set many many years after the original movies were becoming overly dramatic and implausible. And then Disney discarded all of that anyway, so I have little motivation to get into a reset/rebooted universe. I did rather enjoy Rogue One, though – I think part of its appeal was that it was tied so closely to the original trilogy, leading right into Episode IV with its closing scenes (BTW, I think I said before that my Chinese name means ‘new hope’ ;)). Solo is the only mainstream SW movie I haven’t yet watched – it looked interesting, and my dad said he couldn’t really follow it on the plane, but the negative reviews (even if exaggerated) wouldn’t be there without reason.

            For someone like you, if you haven’t made a start on any books or games, you’re probably better off spending your precious time elsewhere! I’m still not quite sure what you’re after with Kashyyyk, though – is it related to role-playing, perhaps? (Story-writing, not computer/card games.) I also imagine it would be hard to upset a Wookiee (unless you ventured somewhere ‘sacred’ by mistake or some such). Chewbacca might appear to get easily upset, but he’s only one example. As for pronunciation, personally I say ‘ka-sheek’… it’s been a while since I’ve seen the movies but I think Yoda mentions going to Kashyyyk to meet with his Wookiee allies during Episode III.

            Perhaps it’s only because I see similar traits in myself. If I get into something, I tend to invest fully, and then I’m reluctant to leave it until it’s done (assuming there is an ending, depending on the situation). Same idea as why I find it difficult to just stop work and leave if I’m in the middle of something. As for listening, that’s something I found you’re really good at, you at least try to appear to be receptive to what people share with you – and one of the many things I appreciate about reading/writing here. There is a danger in attempting to be so neutral that you don’t hold any opinion or position at all and thereby have nothing meaningful to offer – I’m certainly not saying you do that but I see it in the political-correctness of our society, at least in the past. Nowadays it has chosen a position – even though it would still claim to be impartial/neutral, and will be very vocal against anyone who dares suggest that it it isn’t. But I’ve written enough on that in the past.

            As for being patient enough to write reflective responses – if you’re including me in that, again, it’s only because I have a habit of being chatty when given the opportunity! 😉


            • As a pessimistic, I think as time goes on society will get more and more toxic in terms of how we evolve, treat each other and what we share with each other. Agree that face-to-face interactions are the kind that are usually more genuine, or at least when we are not at each other’s throats. When you’re talking to people online, sometimes you just don’t know what to believe and you don’t know if you should believe what someone says.

              It has been a long time since I saw The Mask, the one that came out in 1994. To be honest I find it hard to guess someone’s true personality just by looking at their blogs – face-to-face really is how you truly get to know a person. I would actually be able to believe if someone has a markedly different personality online and offline as anything is possible – and personally I feel there is a very different side to me compared to what I share on this blog.

              Writing as a matter of conversation is such a lovely thing. For one, you are writing to give your time and attention to someone else and for that, thank you very much for returning again. That is quite a reflective piece you wrote on the whereabouts of Jesus’ body – so many perspectives. It is hard to come up with original ideas these days as a lot of us share the some form of the same consciousness and background, which in turn shapes our suggestions.

              I really do think you know more about Star Wars than me. Kashyyyk has always fascinated me as a deeply forested place (and how good of a discrete attacking base it could be), and I do like tramping through the woods up until getting lost. Somewhere along the way I heard the planet being pronounced ‘Kaa-zook’ (think this was in one of the holiday specials of Star Wars). Now that you mentioned it, it’s not a planet that is said out loud much in the films – unless I’ve missed it.

              ‘There is a danger in attempting to be so neutral that you don’t hold any opinion or position at all and thereby have nothing meaningful to offer’ This is something very profound from you. Thank you for your kind words. I do like to be a good listener, and I do try my best to not to shut down others – aiming to come across as impartial, but if someone wants advice or seem to be receptive towards me, then I will state my stance. After all, opinions can be personal. I hope you keep chatting away, Simon. You do come across as a good listener given the many tangents you can go off on 🙂


              • In our post-post-modern Australian culture every day I’m reminded of the subtle and not-so-subtle ways in which political-correctness has permeated every level of our social, cultural, and legal frameworks. And I despair at this – I wouldn’t even consider myself a pessimist. (That said, I have a sure hope of eternity in Jesus but I’m speaking in worldly terms here.) I agree with you, the toxicity will only get worse… but I have seen periods over history where things have become both better and worse for humanity/society. Right now I feel that we are in a period where it’s getting worse (though mainstream folks would disagree), but there is a chance it can get better in future generations. I wonder if I might live long enough to see it.

                Wow, that movie is 24 years old? Feeling my age now. The 1990s were a different time for movies, I suppose. You could have fun and not need to be too serious about your story. Of the few people I’ve met in person that I’ve previously only known on-line, I’ve found that they are pretty close to what I see of their personality in cyberspace. I think the kind of people who aren’t genuine in on-line interactions (or off-) aren’t the sort of people I would want to meet anyway. Are you saying you’re *radically* different from what you share of yourself on-line or just that you have personal things that you don’t share? There is wisdom in the latter, which I think I already mentioned. And if there are aspects of one’s personality that one might not want to share, that’s okay too. I just think it might be a problem if on- and off-line personalities are so different as to be practically different people!

                I find I’m usually the last one to respond in an e-mail conversation (not that many people still use e-mail as a form of regular correspondence). So maybe it’s just my nature. I think I said that I’m better at responding than initiating, hence I might not write a post but I’ll try to write constructively in response to one.

                The earliest post-RotJ novels described Kashyyyk as being covered in tall trees, with the Wookiees residing in tree-top cities. While ground-bound island-dwelling Wookiees are what we’re given in RotS. Sounds like you’re a casual Star Wars fan – and that’s completely fine! – so I’m curious what picture you have of Kashyyyk in your mind and how you came to learn of it. (Heh, enjoying a bushwalk right up until getting lost – that’s usually when things stop being fun!) Until today I hadn’t heard of the Kaa-zook pronunciation, but you’re right: it did come from The Star Wars Holiday Special (1978), apparently a terrible attempt at making money off the success of the original movie. It turns out it was pronounced Ka-sheek in Revenge of the Sith.

                Again, I wasn’t levelling that meaninglessness accusation against you, but it is something that I see a lot – and the old adage about not being able to please everyone also comes to mind. Constructive discussion and (genuinely) respectful disagreement I can get on-board with, but shutting people down with political-correctness really turns me off, so thanks again for being so warm and welcoming to everyone. We need more people like you in mainstream media!

                Seems you’ve had a busy week! Thanks for taking the time to reply as well, was worried I scared you off!


                • Maybe things will become better over time. But maybe not right away. It is an interesting time we live in. As we’ve chatted about before, this era is quite an open era with more voices speaking up but at the same time there are more voices than ever shutting each other down. With everything become more and more digitised, it is so easy to shut each other down or at the very least start a conversation that will descend into rants back and forth.

                  I do think most of us are genuine when it comes to online interactions. But it’s also not hard to spot blogs that are put up to gravitate towards a certain image or lifestyle, no matter how seamlessly the blog posts are crafted. What I share on my blog and other social media platforms, I see it as a small part of myself – and in the real world I do have different sides and what some might say, different personalities. Some bloggers whom I’ve met online are quite similar to their online profile, but others are actually quite different.

                  The original The Mask was indeed a movie around 24 years ago. And the original Star Wars, we know much older 🙂 Yes, I am quite the casual Star Wars fan, knowing just enough to follow along but if I have the time, I would like delving into it all further. I’ve always thought of Kashyyyk as a forest place with swamps, dark and dim because of all the trees and plants. So not too far off from what you’ve described and what I’ve seen in Revenge of the Sith (not too sure if I liked that film, nothing compares to the classics for me XD ). I would love to see another film where Kashyyyk comes into prominence, and also Hoth.

                  Mainstream media will be mainstream media for the cycle it is caught it, it needs to appeal to the masses. Thank you for your kind word again. I do hope to continue this blog, albeit at a slower pace onwards. There are actually quite a few topics I want to write about, and so that might mean more blog for a while.


                  • Most commentary I read quickly descends into insults and rants (if they don’t start with them to begin with!). Again, I find the polite yet genuine discussion here such a good thing for everoyne. (:

                    I suppose with the desire to be appealing or stand out positively, people will be more willing to bend the truth of who they are in their public posts.

                    Good point about Star Wars! There’s a timeless quality to them, it seems, such that its age didn’t stand out to me as much as The Mask. I only first saw Star Wars on TV in the 1990s, not long before the ‘Special Edition’ remasters were released in the cinemas. I had a similar image in mind for Kashyyyk which seems to contrast with the more open-air version in RotS, but some fans say there’s no reason both versions can’t co-exist – after all our own planet’s ecosystem isn’t consistent across the whole globe. I have a feeling future films will want to explore new locations rather than revisit old (now that I think about it, I don’t think Episode VII nor VIII go anywhere near the places we see in I-VI – and that’s probably deliberate, though many of the new places show similar imagery).

                    You’re right – the masses dictate what’s popular and acceptable, and for the moment the masses have been pushed into a certain way of thinking. Whether one can disagree with this thinking without having one’s head (figuratively) bitten off is another matter. I’m pleased to know I’ll hear more from you for a little while longer at least. And if I stop hearing anything without any announcement I’ll be sure to check on you. 😉


                    • Over the course of blogging, it’s interesting to see how some straight up like to rant and go off on various tangents. It always makes for interesting reads, sometimes amusing. But I have to agree with you. Polite and genuine discussion is a good thing for everyone and that is something I have aimed for and will continue to aim for this blog 🙂

                      It would be interesting to see where Star Wars goes with narrative and setting in the coming years. I am thinking maybe more adventures up in the galactic arena. We will see. Who knows maybe there will be places revisited and altered significantly. That would be very interesting to watch, and probably a whole new backstory there. There are many times when I would love to watch all the Star Wars films and TV series to date, back to front several times just to get to know it back to front. That would mean walking away from blogging for a while 🙂


                    • If I go on tangents, does that mean I rant as well? 😉

                      The movies have been mainly character-driven (eg Skywalker family) though I suppose the prequels were less popular because they were more about the Jedi and political conflicts on a galactic scale. I actually like the galactic arena as well as the character stories, maybe that’s why the Clone Wars CG cartoons work well with me. I think you would have some friends you could watch the movies with, though perhaps not back-to-back in one sitting!


  4. I’ve gotten frustrated with blogging and bloggers, but I’m not sure if that’s the same thing as burnout. Specifically, I’ve seen many bloggers come and go, and good ones simply disappear or announce they are putting the blog to rest. 😉 So for those of us who are interested in being part of a community, that feels like losing a friend. But after all these years, frankly, I’ve gotten used to it.

    It’s also frustrating to put a lot of work into a post and receive little reception. Or when you try to figure out what you think people want, and you’re wrong. Ha, ha. I also think we all suffer from feeling like we should be appreciated more for our efforts, so yeah, blogging can be (like you mentioned) a full time job.

    But hey, it’s your blog. Take a three month break if you want. If you see it as ‘work’ then maybe it is time to take a holiday. And why not? You can focus on other writing projects or simply forego blogging and reading blogs for awhile. We all have our lives, get busy, and if it’s a struggle or a hassle, or feels that way, then I’d say, take a breakkk!

    Regardless of what you chose to do, happy blog-anniversary!


    • That is an interesting distinction there – frustrated with blogging and bloggers vs blogging burnout. You said it very well too, that someone leaving the blogging community feels like losing a friend. Connections don’t come easy and there is much to get out of emotionally and spiritually from reading blogs and talking with other bloggers.

      I’ve always thought your posts downright honest, very well put together with a beginning and an end – like I am reading a mini-book. In general, I think we all want to be appreciated. It is an innate feeling.

      Reading blogs is something I’ve done less of. Maybe I’ll do it even less. Ultimately I’d hate to comment on a blog and don’t address the points that the bloggers raised, and give a thoughtful reflection. It’s also a good way to learn from each other. It is quite amazing how your second book is coming along and you are still keeping up blogging, Lani 🙂


  5. Kudos on blogging for 6 years Mabel, and for your thoughtful posts. I like your solution to blog less often, mix up the topics, and find your passions. I’ve done much of the same over my 6+ years, with a similar sense of burnout in the last year. I’ve taken a couple of short sabbaticals, changed my time-consuming Awesome Story series, and sometimes post less often. It will be interesting to see where it all goes for both of us. Best wishes for your books, Brad


  6. Mabel, I appreciate the way you write, delve deep into the topic you choose and put it across as a balanced post. Undoubtedly you put a lot of effort into each post you share and carrying on with the same quality for 6 years is a great achievement. It is natural to feel burnout. I wonder how some bloggers blog daily…probably their enthusiasm is short-lived or they reblog others’ content, which is quite common in case of book bloggers.

    “Why I started blogging” is a good question to keep going, a nice reminder that we are here for intellectual connections, a path that adds so much to our creativity and hearing each other’s view nurtures and polishes our talent. When I started blogging, I made a promise to myself that I would never consider blogosphere an arena of competition and would post at leisure. I must confess that I have to stretch my imagination at times to give a hard shove to my muse but I am a relaxed blogger. For me, quality is more important than quantity and I try to follow my rules.

    The ways to avoid burnout that you have suggested are fantastic! Let’s follow them and keep going. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • You are very kind with your words, Balroop. Thank you so much and I’ve always appreciated you for stopping by and also as a blogger, writer and friend. You are very observant there on how soem blogs blog daily and constattly reblog others’ content. Book bloggers do do that often – I guess that is the book blogging community for you and for most part, done in supportive fashion. I do feel some new blogs like to reblog content for attention and if they get minimal attention, they move on from blogging.

      From reading your posts, it feels like you are very creative with each post and each post reflects your love for writing. I’ve always liked how you convey emotion so well through your poetry and also through your self-reflective non-fiction posts about the challenging emotions we feel. Quality is definitely all over your posts and I think many of your readers agree with that. You keep going too 🙂

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  7. This is a great post, Mabel and very timely.
    Like you, from time to time, I question what I’m doing. While I’ve contemplated stopping, I enjoy the buzz of writing and sharing photographs of food too much. It’s a hobby, it’s a release. It brings me joy. That’s why I keep doing it.
    I hope you continue with your monthly rhythm. I always enjoy reading your work.


  8. I read this with interest in part because I also have times of feeling burnt out. Asking why you blog in the first place is a really good starting point. It’s my opinion that better blogs have authors who care about the topic they are writing about, regardless of their stats.
    Like you, I also work on a blogging schedule. I do this in an attempt to balance all the things in my life. Sometimes I’m more successful than others.
    I am also considering taking some time off around Christmas and the New Year. That worked well for me last year, so I may go that route again.
    Cheers! and happy blogging 🙂


  9. Wow! This post really contained a ton of stuff I never considered! It might have to do with our age difference as well as our motivations to share what we write. First, in answer to your question, I never suffer the burnout you speak of because I keep changing things up, often randomly. It’s only recently I have felt like there was any sort of theme to my work, and it causes me to smile and shake my head a little.

    Years ago in college, a guy I am still in touch with told me my nature writing was so good that I should focus more on it. Thus I avoided it almost for that reason, for nobody was going to dictate my creativity. I had come from a very controlling family household and, once I came of age, no one was going to tell me what to do, ever again.

    So much for sweeping generalizations. I find such an effortless correlation between the photos I take in nature and writing about it. It’s so easy, I am stunned I held out this long 😝 Loving my subject matter makes it easy to share. But I also have a somewhat unstructured life and no kids in the house anymore. I cannot imagine the burnout you speak of, though there are times I am absent from WP for bursts of time, here and there. As you say, no worries because it will always be here when I come back. Of that we can be fairly certain.

    As always, love your writing, Mabel. You really explore your subject matter from every angle and your photographs are always stunning. Kudos on another great post! Aloha 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love how we are from different generations and bounce off ideas off so well each other, Bela. That is amazing to hear you’ve always had the drive and motivation to blog. So well prepared to switch things up, organised in the midst of chaotic change 😀 The themes that I feel that come through your work, especially in your poetry, are nature and the wars against nature. Your photography of Hawaii is also amazing too. So that college guy friend of yours was right about your writing, and combined with your determination, it sounds like you are living life as you want it now, blogging, writer and all.

      Pretty sure you can hold out for much longer with your craft. It really is very consistent. But easy 😝 Sounds like you are very in-tune with your art and yourself and you have every right to soak it all up and keep going. Life will unfold as it unfolds, and some times will be better for blogging than others. Good that you manage to work it in to your unstructured life – you could always spend all of your time exploring outdoors and not tell us about it 😝

      Thanks so much for your kind words, Bela. This post was a great one to write and I thought the photos turned out great. Aloha right back at you 💖

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  10. Mabel, I feel this post is written for me and reflects so many of my current thoughts … it’s spooky! 😀Six years is a long time blogging and the only way to continue is to evolve. You are right to ask why you started blogging … and also why you want to continue. In the beginning I was blogging twice or three times a week … easy with just a handful of comments. As my blog grew, I enjoy answering and reading others, but found less time for my own posts. I’ve now decided to post as and when … let inspiration strike! Meanwhile, I enjoy reading other blogs such as yours in a more relaxed manner, an hour a day. This means I might be late to the party but still get there! 😀 How true about the cosy sleep – in the beginning I found myself waking early to reply to comments and was becoming stressed … much more relaxed and sane nowadays! It’s interesting about the blog views … I love learning about the world and about your perspective from Australia! I also find the US is my biggest source for readers, closely followed by the U.K., then many countries abroad! Blogging is an organic act, not easily understood by those on the outside … I’ve now stopped trying to explain to most apart from those who show a genuine interest! So happy you’re continuing to share your thoughts and knowledge. Happy Blogging … and living outside this WP world! ❤️


    • ‘Six years is a long time blogging and the only way to continue is to evolve.’ I think you are right. Life changes, we all change, our readers change, so naturally what we blog is constantly evolving. It is so interesting to hear how your blog has changed over the years, Annika. Although I only started following your blog this year, I can see you put a lot of effort in engaging with your readers and sharing your writing passion. No shame in being late to the party at all – the party is always here in the blog world and I take that when you are ‘late’, you are coming from another time portal and you were just having some cozy sleep in snuggletown 😀

      So interesting to read that most of your readers come from the States. Certainly, not everyone gets blogging and it really is a niche activity. Sort of similar how not everyone gets sport or some forms of art. I hope you get to keep enjoying blogging and live a life outside of this blogging world too 🙂

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  11. I wait for your posts every month! Every time I comment, it seems like I’m saying the same thing! Your post resonates with me on so many levels – always!
    I am approaching the 2 year mark in a month and I have definitely experienced blogger burnout. I admire the research you put into your posts, and I think this goes a long way for a lot of us. Also, definitely managing the time has been a big struggle for me. It takes time to research, write, take photos, promote your post and engage with others. Reminding myself why I started in the first place helps! But after a couple weeks, I see other bloggers making headway with followers and engaging content, and I wonder what I should be doing?
    Thanks always for your posts and good luck with your book!


    • Thank you so much for following along my blog, Nadia. You are very kind. I’ve seen your blog around, and I really resonated with your title – An Introverted Blogger. That is so me XD

      Good on you for blogging for two years. Managing time can be a struggle, and you are bold to admit that. There are a number of things involved with blogging, and sometimes life is important and you have to just go live life. Some bloggers do seem to grow pretty quickly. Perhaps it’s partly due to liking blogs (sometimes for a like in the face of competition), or investing a time in engaging with other blogs. It really depends in one’s intention too 🙂

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  12. This post is just what I needed. I’ve been blogging for almost five years and posting daily, and I admit that, as I get older with work/less free time, I’m starting to find blogging a chore. I still love to write, but there are days when I don’t know what to put out or end up writing something sub-par, just to meet my daily blogging quota. Turning to my own “Why do I blog” post from four years ago has helped me regain sight of why I blog in the first place (as you wrote). I suppose taking breaks over the years (from a few weeks to even a couple of months) have helped me get rejuvenated to write again– I guess the question now is whether I find enjoyment in daily blogging as I had in the beginning of my blogging experience. Thanks for writing this enlightening post!


    • I had a look at some of your travel posts, Rebecca, and they very down-to-earth, like you are making most of your time outside of blogging. Almost five years is a long time to blog, and congratulations on that milestone. Blogging daily is also an admirable feat too – and it does sound like you love writing a lot. Hope you get to travel more and so find more inspiration to blog!

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      • Thank you, Mabel. Granted, I write my blog, because I enjoy doing so. I actually blog daily on my personal blog, but all the same, I find that I enjoy writing more than finding it a chore. Writing is my passion, and I hope to continue to be inspired on this platform to generate quality content for people to read about. 🙂


  13. Great post, Mabel! I’m also in my 6th year of blogging and it is easy to become burned out. For me, having a full-time day job outside of the home, taking care of elderly parents and writing books, makes it impossible for me to blog every day. Although I do read and comment on other blogs religiously, there is no way I write and comment my own posts every day or once a week. I’ve been posting twice a month for a while now, but have considered going to a monthly post. You’ve really got me thinking…thanks!


    • Thanks, Jill. Congrats on your sixth year of blogging. Sounds like you juggle your life and blogging very well. You are also an author too, congratulations on that. Space our your blogging, space out your life and you get to do the things you both need and want to do – there’s a time and place for everything. Wish I had discovered your blog sooner, Jill. I don’t follow too many writing blogs (as someone mentioned in the comments, quite a few of them tend to reblog a lot, which isn’t bad), and I want to so I am following yours. Good luck with blogging 🙂


  14. I hope you keep your blog going.
    The reason I do not post often anymore is because of guilt. No not “white guilt” you silly.
    I am in so much trouble at work for being deadwood that I always think that I should use the time productively.
    I have a ton of ideas for posts (as if ideas have weight. Wait, are ideas influenced by gravity? That could be a post.)
    I might have a couple of hours on a weekend, but then I think “I should really research that work report a little more” instead of writing up a blog post.

    There is an important COUNTER to that however. To quote Jordan Peterson “writing is thinking”. I think I would make better output at work if I allowed myself some creative writing once in a while.
    (Mabel thinking: “What, Pokemon Nicknames is creative?”)
    Also, sometimes I think of a humor idea and want to write it . Later I realize, that’s really NOT funny — only one in a million would think so. It’s like the guilt feeling during a bad hangover.

    So please hang on. I took a sorrowful hit when MorningBerryz48 quit.


    • Showing up to work in the first place is always, always an achievement XD Maybe you could write down the ideas you get somewhere, and then come back to them later and blog about them. Or leave them if you come back to them and find you can’t make sense out of them…as you said, some ideas aren’t funny and just won’t work when you revisit them. Sounds like you want to make a difference at your work.

      Lol, I do think Pokemon Nicknames are creative and those are the posts I like best on your blog. Pokemon Nicknames can be endless. From the looks of it, I’ll be blogging next year. I want to since this blog has given me many opportunities and things that never crossed my mind. Maybe a few blog posts less than this year, but blogging nonetheless. Thanks for the support.

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  15. Good suggestions, all. I used to blog almost every day and now it’s once every 10 days. The decreasing frequency might be because my stockpile of stories about West-East relationship conflicts diminished, but also because I’m busier.

    I kick around the idea of ding more book reviews now.


  16. I just recently experienced blogging burnout, Mabel. I’d been going strong without letup for over 5 years and in combination what was and still is going on in my life, I just couldn’t do it anymore. I blogged less and less and my uplifting and encouraging posts stopped coming. The joy of blogging was completely gone and I actually got to a point I thought I was just going to walk away from blogging period. Recently the urge and joy have returned, thank goodness. For me, it was life itself that interfered with my “rhythm” because it in of itself life exhausted me. Getting a lot of rest and taking a lot of time off, did the trick for me. I’m back to blogging and observing how I am feeling very carefully. If I begin to tire I pull back immediately. Just putting together posts at times is exhausting much less blogging. Your post is right on!! Great writing again, dear friend!! Keep on shining!! ☺️☺️☺️


    • You have been blogging and doing what you do artistic-wise for a while, Amy. It is definitely evident through your blog, which you so consistently upload. Your posts aren’t afraid to admit the not-so-uplifting side of life, and I think that is why many of us gravitate to us – because you keep it real. And when you do experience the uplifting parts of life, you are able to describe them so well because you relish these moments. Very wise of you to get a lot of rest and recognise if you need to walk away for a while, you do. You keep on writing too and keep on shining 😊💖💕

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      • I have a saying in my life that I am not shy to let others hear … What you see is what you get when it comes to me. A neighbor of mine recently told me it is clear who I am just because of how I act and what I say. There is no pretence about me. I’ve really just wanted to focus on the light on my blog yet my Heart has at times made it very real as I poured out my Heart in the hard times. Again I don’t play games or do I pretend when I have tears rolling down my face. THANK YOU for being who you are as you continually encourage me to continue on the path I am. I do the same for you, Mabel! 🤗🤗🤗


        • In other words there is no bullsh*t with you. No pretence, I like it just like how many of us here it too. Playing pretend just masks things and can make things worse, so thank you for being you on your blog and being honest on here. Thank you so much, Amy ❤ ❤ 🙂

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  17. Mabel, this is a fantastic post. I’ve been on burnout mode for a bit. This doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy blogging at all. I still do! But life events dampened my enthusiasm for my blog. I’m coming back around now with a refreshing new theme and site goals. I love your suggestion of asking non-blogging friends what they think because they have a fresh perspective. Great idea!

    I prefer your once a month in-depth and thoughtful post to a blog that posts daily. I look forward to getting your book, Mabel. It will be an interesting read, for sure. Thanks for inspiration to continue on the blog road. It’s been so nice to connect with you along the way. ❤


    • Thanks, Lisa. Very kind of you to say. I mentioned this on your blog, and I’ll say it again: love your sleek new blog design, very refreshing. I’ve toyed with the idea of changing up my blog’s theme…but the last time I did that it took me months to customise CSS and get it to looking how I want it lol.

      Hoping my book will come out at some point. It’s such an inspiration to see you publish four books and going strong – showing it can be done. Thank you ❤


  18. Hello Mabel,
    I don’t want to make you feel overwhelmed or pressure to reply, so I’ll try to keep this short 😉
    Thank you for another wonderful and thought-provoking post. I think you know your work is immensely appreciated, and you’ve “given back” to the community in so many ways.

    I think it’s important to focus on you first & foremost and what makes your life more enriched, challenging and happy. I also feel (perhaps because I grew up in the “pre-internet days”) it’s important to get away from the screen and enjoy “real” life and all the challenges it brings.

    Congratulations on 6 years! ❤ ❤
    Take care, and best wishes always!
    Takami 🙂


    • It is very nice of you to be so thoughtful, Takami. I appreciate each and every comment, no matter how long or short. It’s amazing to see kindness and people giving me their time on here, and I pace myself so as to give something to back to everyone.

      I also grew up in pre-Internet days, and life away from the online world can indeed be so good. Photography seems to take you out and about, and hope you enjoy what you do in real life. Your shots are always something to behold and I wish I had discovered your blog sooner ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Mabel so much of what you have written resonates with me. I’ve almost packed it a few times. I think for me it was setting priorities. Like you I spend much less time reading and commenting on other blogs. I have started adding guest posts which takes the pressure off. I have become much better at not comparing myself to others. I wish you well as you work through this rut. Early on I was given some sage advice. “If it’s not fun anymore change it or quit” That has really helped me along the way.


    • I still remember us meeting in Melbourne some years ago, and we had such a great chat over keeping up with blogging and visiting other blogs. Don’t think each of us felt the burnout then. Changing up the topics I’ve written about has certainly made me continue blogging. I enjoy all of your posts, Sue, from the posts you write to the guest posts as they each bring a different flavour to Travel Tales of Life – and each post has an adventuring element to it. Here’s to keeping blogging 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes i think at that point we were both filled with energy on the blogging front. Perhaps the key is to be open to change and to listening to one’s inner voice. I really enjoyed reading this Mabel. Perhaps because so much of it rang true for me too.


  20. ‘Sometimes taking a break from blogging is what you need to feel inspired at it again. We all need to live and experience life in order to tell stories.’ – I’ve posted more frequently when I was younger and less susceptible to the effects of stress. Now that I’m older and chest deep in academic-related matters, I’ve noticed that the frequency of my posts have significantly decreased. I’m a tad bit particular about my consistency, so the idea of having guest blog posts has never occurred on my mind. Plus, most of my friends prefer to read blogs than to write one. 😂

    ‘As an introvert, sharing my personal life online isn’t something I’m comfortable with and I do draw a firm line between what I share and don’t share on my blog. Unlike many high-profile social media influencers, shunning the trends of showing my face, talking about where I work, talking about my personal relationships and broadcasting where I’m going each day is something I am not ashamed of.’ – Likewise. I do share things that occur in my personal life from time to time, but I’ve been cautious not to reveal sensitive information or ones that would reveal my identity and those who I’m writing about. But it’s true – discussing about the places where we work would be dangerous to our employment as well.

    For me to avoid blogger burnout would require me to be done with academia first, lol. I’ve given up on becoming a social media influencer because it would clash with my future career. There may be a conflict of interest and if there are pictures and videos of me online, it will endanger my safety.


    • I do find you are posting quite regularly despite your busy academic life, much more so than me 😛 Also they are very descriptive and vivid, especially the dreams – you narrate them very well. I actually think finding guest posts hard. You can get other bloggers to post on your blog – but in these instances you’d probably want the blogger to have some kind of connection to what you blog about. Personally I don’t have guest blogs because I don’t want to and I feel guests blogs might break up the tone and style of my blog, which I am very particular about.

      You never know if those you are writing about will not want to be featured on your blog, and they might take offense. If I do mention anyone or want to quote what one of my friends said, I will ask them for permission first. Some have said ‘No’ and that is perfectly fine with me. I respect that.

      Lol, so you are saying you might give up blogging if you give up academia? I thought you might give up blogging to be more hardworking for academia 😀


      • You’d be surprised to know that I’ve a notebook and a pen on my bedside table to record the dreams. Or I’ll wake up and hurriedly use my phone to write it down.

        ‘You never know if those you are writing about will not want to be featured on your blog, and they might take offence.’ – that’s true, though. None of them knows that they are being written about on the blog, even that college friend of mine. Oh, I usually don’t quote what my friends said – I describe it from the viewpoint of someone observing our interaction.

        ‘Lol, so you are saying you might give up blogging if you give up academia?’ – Somewhat. Blogging keeps me sane. Once I’ve finished my studies, I might give up blogging because it’s risky to have a blog in my working life. What if I accidentally write about something I shouldn’t? 😂


        • Wow, you record your dreams the moment you wake up. Chances are that will help you remember your dreams. Sometimes I’ll have a dream, wake up, remember the dream and as I go about my day I’ll completely forget about the dream lol.

          Imagine if someone found out you wrote about them on the blog and they got mad because you never told them. In those situations I imagine I’d lose a friend D:

          Haha, you could always blog anonymously or under a pseudonym if you want to continue blogging. Just blog about random dreams and we can all pick at them. Or share TVB shows 😃


          • I usually do it to help me interpret the dreams because some of it are rather realistic – to the point where I wake up with a question mark or with teary, swollen eyes.

            I guess I’ve been lucky that no one found my blog…. I might end up creating a new blog under a pseudonym that focuses on my writing and dreams when I’m working. =D


  21. Hi Mabel what a topical topic as far as I am concerned at least 😀 I am blogging less and less but mostly because I have been too busy in other worldly matters. And now that things are more settled I am finding it difficult to find my blogging feet or should i say fingers 😉 I think it’s more a case of blogging block than burnout or maybe it’s a case of out of sight out of mind. Actually I think it’s the lack of time after a full day of work I am too tired to think of anything to say and to say just for sake of saying something is a bit too much. So I get up at 4 am to just write and try to do my reading and commenting in the evenings – hoping you’ll be generous enough to excuse my ramblings 😀

    All the best for your book writing and many burgers and fries to you!


  22. It is similar for me. Even though there are tons of things I could and would like to write about, I somehow lack the motivation to get started or even worse I start and after 80% is done I am so unsatified with the result that I don’t publish it (have several articles hidden away…)
    In the first couple of years I really wrote a lot but after I got ill I never really got back into it. Now I have like 2-3 articles tops a month, sometimes even only one but at least I feel good enough to write and to share it 🙂


  23. All good points. I see many blogs start strong then stop and never return. I think everyone gets some form of burnout or boredom with the process and either you get through it or you don’t. For me, blogging less but keeping posts at what i perceive to be similar quality each time is my answer. I have no desire to post if I have nothing worthy to post. And regular breaks, including not looking in the reader at all.


  24. For me is not blogger burnout, but creating content. There the creative writer inside that wants to write, but doesn’t know what to write. What can I write that might connect with one or two people, but at the same time isn’t so personal.


    • Hope you get to find that creative spark to write, Michael. You are always so honest in your blogs, not shying away from challenging times. I do really enjoy following your blog 🙂


  25. It was just less than a month ago I came back to the blogosphere after a six-week break. Did it do me any good? To be honest, I’m not really sure. I don’t think of blogging as a competition but often I feel I must do it to earn the right to comment on other blogs, which I know it absolutely ridiculous. Asking a non-blogger to evaluate my blog is something I hadn’t thought of and I think I’ll pursue that.


    • ‘I must do it to earn the right to comment on other blogs’ It is an interesting statement. You can be anyone who doesn’t have a blog and comment on blogs. But I think often a blogger likes to know the person (and hence blog) of the person behind the comment. So I see where you are coming from. Maybe you will get eye-opening feedback on your blog from a non-blogger and you can share it on your blog.


  26. A subject near and (maybe not so) dear to my own heart, Mabel! I’m not sure I have full-blown burnout, but I have definitely slowed down on my own posts (only when I travel or shortly thereafter), and I’ve had to cut back on blog reading as well. I, for one, prefer when people post less often as the material seems fresher; when I see posts multiple times a week or repeatedly on the same subject, I kind of zone out. Hang in there – you’re a couple of years past me, I think!


    • You have a good point there when you say less posts, the more fresher the posts may be and the less you repeat the same subject. Seeing multiple posts from the same blogger in a week or even a day does zone me out too….but kudos on them for having the drive to constantly blog.

      Based on your travels, it seems you never slow down on your travels 😛

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  27. For me whenever I feel inspired to write I usually try to produce more than one blog post drafts so that when that lazy day or feeling uninspired day comes, I can just sit back, relax, and enjoy other things without having to worry too much about whether I have enough content for my blog or not. Sometimes when I feel the burnout is coming I just go out, see new places, read some interesting articles, or watch something. Quite often inspiration comes afterward.


  28. I’ve celebrated seven years of blogging – once a week, every Friday. I take two Fridays off a year. That’s it, because I enjoy it so much. I don’t ever get burned out from blogging, but sometimes I get stressed about making sure I read everyone’s blog who I’ve connected with. That’s really the only reason I need to take a break. But on the upside, I learn so much by each blog I read. xo


  29. Another thoughtful post Mabel.. I think those of us who have been at it for a while (6 years for me too – much longer than most!) have all faced burnout more than once. For me blogging is an opportunity to share my photography and my thoughts – whether anyone sees/reads them or not. It’s an artistic outlet which has led to some new friendships and motivated me to keep shooting. I blog once each week only, as anything more II think dilutes the content and tires the reader as well as the author. When I burn out, I simply continue with my weekly schedule and over time I find enthusiasm once again. Our new weekly challenge has given me some additional motivation, as has my relationship with the other 3 challenge authors. Like anything in life, commitment and growth are both critical IMHO. Thanks for the interesting topic!


    • Thanks, Tina. Six years for you too. It’s been a while here for you on the blog as well. Your photography is amazing as always, each shot carefully crafted and they do captivate many of us – and naturally you and the other three bloggers are perfect for hosting the photography challenge. Interesting to hear you keep blogging weekly even though you burn out. I do that too, hoping that spark will come alive again…and you know, now and again it does. Keep blogging, Tina.


  30. I published my first blog five years ago, so I’m a little behind you. I like to blog once a week, although sometimes I skip a week. Since my blog is called “Behind the Story,” I started with the idea of writing posts that were related to my novel, “Tiger Tail Soup.” That meant they were usually about Chinese subjects. Gradually I started writing essays about things that come up in my life. And sometimes I write photo essays.

    I’ve finished the first draft of my second novel, so soon I will go back to writing posts that will give my readers a glimpse “behind the story” of that novel. Because it’s set in the Philippines and Vanuatu, I expect to write about both of those countries.

    I like all of your suggestions about how to avoid blogging burnout. All five points are crucial. Sometimes blogging less and commenting on other blogs less often is the answer if we want to continue loving blogging rather than feeling overwhelmed.


    • That is a lovely explanation of the title of your blog, Nicki. I always thought it was related to the stories behind your book, and also basically behind the scenes of your life thus far. Looking forward to seeing your second novel and the sneak peeks you will give to us – and I do still need to check out your first 🙂

      I feel I enjoy commenting on other blogs more compared to putting out a post on my blog every other week. Checking out other blogs is a great way to learn, and in turn that helps me find inspiration for the blog posts I do write.


  31. I don’t know if I can call it burnout, but I haven’t been writing lately. The baby is my excuse! I don’t really have time to sit in front of the computer anymore. There are some things I would like to write about, like the postpartum traditions and baby clothes styles in China, but let’s see when I can manage to do it… Real life comes first!


  32. Excellent advice as always Mabel. No matter how much we enjoy blogging, I think we all experience the burnout, I know I sure do. Many bloggers take a lighter break in the summer. I prefer to take mine in winter while on extended vacation time. It rejuvenates me for when I return. 🙂 xx


  33. Congratulations on reaching your six-year blogging aniversary, Mabel! It really takes commitment and I have seen far too many excellent blogs fall by the wayside and disappear off the face of the earth. I completely relate with this post and admittedly struggle with burnout when it comes to writing and publishing content on my blog. In a way, it’s astonishing to believe that it’s been over eight years since I began using WordPress.

    These days I post far less frequently than I used to, and the general target is twice a month, but sometimes it still feels like a chore when so much work goes into each entry – whether it’s choosing, processing, and resizing the pictures or writing a 1,000-word story that I feel is both informative and engaging. I think the main issue for me is that there’s a huge overlap with my day job (working at a travel magazine), so especially when things get stressful at the office, blogging about travel is really the last thing I want to do when I get home.

    Not many of my offline friends and family read my blog, and like you I am perfectly happy with that. What matters more is the community that has grown and the friendships that have developed because of it. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some of my favorite bloggers in person over the years, and I can honestly say that blogging has completely changed my life. It gave me the impetus to change careers and move countries; after all the wonderful opportunities that came because of blogging, it seems wrong to throw in the towel and call it quits. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Eight years on WordPress is a long time to be blogging, and almost a decade of blogging for you. A big achievement and you should be so proud of yourself 😊 Your posts are always so informative and well-researched: you present the history of a place to us in palatable terms, and alongside that you have vivid recollections of your travels that you experience with your five/six senses. The photography is second to none whether with your camera or phone. Amazing to hear your work is at a travel magazine – sort of closely aligned to what you blog about. You must be busy at work and when it comes to your blog, you must have a kind of passion to blog even if it’s twice a month.

      Community and friendships are certainly something to be cherished here in the blog world. So lovely to hear you have met some of your favourite bloggers in person over the years – and it must have felt like catching up with old friends. I’ve also met some bloggers over the years, and one of them is a very good friend in real life now. Blogging seems to have such a great impact on you personally and professionally. Who knows where it will take you next. Thanks for the support, James. Looking forward to visiting your blog soon 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  34. Good tips Mabel – I am going through this (or maybe a writers impairment… don’t use the ‘B’ word) at the moment and I will employ some of your tips. I am still worried about a Zombie Apocalypse though 🙂 🙂 Take care Mabel and stay warm.


    • I hope you get over this writer’s impairment and stop feeling stuck. Sometimes you just don’t feel like it. You never know, a zombie apocalypse could be just around the corner and I wish you well. It is finally starting to warm up here with rain to make it humid. The best. You stay warm too 🙂


  35. First of all, congratulations on six years of blogging, Mabel.

    I first heard about ‘blog burnout’ during my first year of blogging. When I read about it, I thought ‘no, not me, never!’ However, I have encountered blog burnout and now deal with it by simply not blogging. Take, for example, last Sunday. I planned to write a number of blog posts, read other blogs and leave comments on them. When I switched the computer on, I really did not want to write or read any blog posts, so I didn’t. I spent the day doing other stuff. By the following day, my desire to write some blog posts was still not there, but I did read a few blogs and leave comments on them. As soon as I knew I didn’t want to read and comment on any more posts, rather than force myself to carry on to read and comment, I signed off.

    Fortunately, the blog burnout I have experienced has not lasted very long. Now, if I’m not finding the fun and enjoyment in blogging, then I won’t do it. And, if I ever get to the situation of not finding blogging any fun or enjoyable, I will stop blogging rather than see it as a chore and force myself. Why do something you really do not enjoy doing?

    I do also recommend taking blogging breaks. These can last anything from a few days to months, but don’t go back to the blogging world while you’re on one. If you do, then it really isn’t a blogging break and probably won’t give you the answers you’re looking for.

    A great subject for debate. Thanks for bringing it to the forefront of your blog.


    • It is very humbling of you to admit that you do experience blogging burnout, Hugh. You always seem to have something to blog about, be it about being organised around our blogging to your photography to your blast from the past anecdotes. Hat’s off to you for going about your day when you didn’t want to write a blog or read blog posts. When you do something half-hearted, often it shows. Sometimes all you need is some time, some time away to do something else and come back with a renewed sense of energy and purpose.

      Sometimes you do wonder, if you find blogging not fun anymore, will you actually stop doing it. I’ve contemplated that for a while and concluded that maybe, just maybe, one day I might stop blogging just as one day many years ago I decided to pick it up. Logically looking at the big picture, blogging defines and shapes me in many ways, so I’d say if I were to give it up, it would be a choice with a lot of thought.

      It’s coming up to the holiday season, and as noted over the last years, it’s a time when many of us will take a blogging break. I know that’s what I’ll be doing soon enough. Enjoy blogging, Hugh 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • It’s a question I’ve asked myself, Mabel. Will I ever stop blogging altogether? At the moment, the answer is ‘no.’ However, life changes and these changes can often lead us to new situations where we have to get rid of stuff we previously did. The longest ever blogging break I took was six weeks. There were times where I really had to fight the will-power I had to go back to blogging, but I stuck it out and it worked for me, I managed to get Glimpses out for publication. Both the book and the blogging break made me feel very proud of myself.

        Yes, I’ll certainly be taking a blogging break during the last two weeks of December. I don’t want to miss a single moment of my favourite time of the year.


        • It’s good to hear you aren’t going to stop blogging anytime, soon. I really do enjoy following your blog. Book and blogging goes hand in hand for many of us writers, and glad it worked for you. I’m sure you will have a follow-up to glimpses.

          Enjoy the end of the year, Hugh 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  36. First congratulations upon your six years in the blog world Mabel.
    I know the feeling of some days it feeling like a chore, especially when we have so many other things that are in need of doing..
    But as you say, blogging is rewarding, but it takes dedication, time and effort.

    I think we all get at times to feel that blogging burn out, sometimes I just feel too overwhelmed as I can spend hours visiting and commenting on blog posts, I often neglect to do a post of my own.. ( My Garden blog a prime example )

    I agree with you about taking a blogging break.. I always feel more inspired when I return..

    I always love my visits here, what ever you blog about Mabel, you do so with conviction and go in depth. There is always lots of information to be found in your posts..
    I have learnt a lot from reading your diverse content. Especially about Australia and how its own culture has impacted your own life..

    Loved the photos of the concert Mabel, Hope you had a great time..

    Wishing you a wonderful New week.. Love and Hugs..
    Sue ❤


    • The blog needs doing, and so do many other things that need doing. Blogging is a part of many of us who blog regularly, and we might feel guilty if we don’t keep it up. And feel guilty too if we feel blogging is a chore.

      It is amazing how you juggle two blogs, Sue. One for your writing and one for your garden, with the many lovely photos. You also take the time to engage with us so feverntly and honestly too, and I think that is why so many of us love following your blog.

      You are very kind, thank you for your kind words. Sometimes I wonder if my thoughts run too deep. I don’t ever expect anyone to read my posts from start to finish, and am happy if just a section is read – really a lot to stomach but it’s the kind of writing I like and will continue doing.

      Concerts are always such a great experience. Hoping for more gigs next year. Take care, Sue. Hugs across the miles to you ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think that is why I often take ages in my time here in blog land, is that I do read, and my words in my comments often run into blog posts in themselves.. LOL!
        I don’t think at all your thoughts run too deep… You express yourself perfectly, and often will give an alternative perspective.
        Much love my friend… And enjoy a new week Mabel.. These weeks and months soon fly around.. ❤


        • It’s always lovely to see you in blog land because you are do immerse yourself in it quite deep, and I think we’re all very touched by that.

          Another week, another month, another moon. You enjoy the days, Sue ❤


  37. Great thoughts, Mabel. On blogging different topics..not only does it provide variety for audience, but for the blogger in terms of expanding horizons. However it is to have a blog that doesn’t look too scattered if there is sort of an anchor “theme”.

    Like you, very few of my family and close friends are bloggers. 1 niece has a blog to promote her rom-com novels. https://jackielaubooks.com/ I’m not certain if family members read my blog but I do give them the link to the latest published blog post each time. It’s up to them. My friends do like skimming over my latest blog post. I think they are reading it from the perspective of what’s happening in my life..blog provides a very tiny sliver of that.

    I don’t feel blog competition anymore because the blog is not the only thing that feeds my ego. It’s a side personal interest and enjoyment. I just like non-fictional storytelling. 🙂

    I”ve been blogging for 9 yrs. I do have some blog post topics in my head for the next….2-3 yrs., since I publish only monthly or so. Not really concerned. Some topics incubate in my head for 2 yrs! Until I act on it….lazy me. 🙂


  38. HI, Mabel.

    It’s ok to take a break when you feel burnt out. Blogging (and everything related to it – commenting, visiting people’s pages, composing a post, etc.) does take a lot of time which is fine if it is one’s livelihood (or allied activity) but which can be quite burdensome if blogging is something one does as a creative outlet.

    There was a time when I aimed for those likes and number of views and I envied pages with so many of them. Then one day, I realized I could not sustain what it took to have the interactions I dreamed of. So many things are going on outside of my blog life that I could not spend so much time visiting blogs and commenting and replying to comments on my posts. I got overwhelmed and stopped blogging for months. But I have invested a lot of my time keeping my blog running that I decided to blog again but this time, I am more laid back. Although honestly, the latter is partly due to the flight of my muse. 🙂 Anyway, I enjoy it more now that I am blogging for the joy of it.

    Anyway, I am sorry if I bored you with my story. I guess, all I am saying is, your tips are on point. It’s ok to step back once in a while but I am pretty sure, your writer’s mind will always come back with something to share and write about.



    • You didn’t bore me with your story at all, Imelda. It was very eye-opening to read, and thank you for sharing. You are a great writer, poet and photographer, and when you do get to post, your posts reflect that. Outside life is important, and looks like you take outside life very seriously – and in turn that is a source of inspiration for your blog 🙂 I think the more laid-back we are with blogging, the more we enjoy it. No pressure. Just the desire to share and read other blogs to get our creative muse going. I’ve enjoyed your poetry and photography over the years, and look forward to more as and when you can post 🙂 Thank you so much for reading and stopping by.


  39. Pingback: 6 Ways To Avoid Blogging Burnout And Keep On Blogging — Mabel Kwong – PERUNDURAI PRODUCTS

  40. Congratulations, Mabel on the anniversary. It is really something to celebrate, as I feel your blog is an important commentary in the world wide web. But I do understand the potential for burnout. We have to keep our blogs fresh, and re-vamp the appearance/posts to get that creative spark going again. I have had to take breaks over my 5-6 year stint in the blogosphere. The variety of reasons for blogging keep me going. Like you, to inform, to build a portfolio, to document something, as a creative outlet. an for personal reasons. I look back at the original blog posts, ( most of which I have deleted), and can see how my blog posts have developed. That encourages me when I feel like I cannot write. You offer some great practical tips here, Mabel and it is posts like this that will stand the test of time. I have had to reduce how much time I spend on the reader as well, but it feels wrong not to visit other’s blogs when they take time out to visit and contribute to mine.
    Take a break, Mabel, but I hope you don’t leave. We still have our ongoing long term book project, don’t we?


    • Celebrating is not something up my alley. Another year, another time for reflection and moving along quietly just the way I like it. It can be challenging to keep our blogs fresh. Sometimes we might try something and then not feel it. I do think having a break really can energise us and we come back with a renewed sense of vigour – and that probably goes for many things we do in everyday life. It sounds like you have your ways to make you feel excited about blogging over and over again. Funny how what we wrote many years back may not resonate with us today, and that is something I can relate to.

      I also feel it is wrong to not visit other’s blogs when they visit mine. It is something I had a long think about, and I feel I need to cut back and schedule a block of time or a day to visit blogs, and then on other days I go about doing what I have and want to do. Blogger’s guilt is what I like to call it. We definitely have our blog project going…I alluded to that in the last paragraph of this post 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Blogger’s guilt is quite an apt expression! I think the scheduling a block of time is a great idea. It limits it but keeps your hand in visiting others and reading what they have to say. And I wondered if you referred to our ongoing book when I read those words in the final paragraph. I am pleased that you want to continue with it, even though it seems like a long term project. I must revisit the To do list again, it might need a revamp too?


  41. Really interesting post, Mabel. For me, I threatened to burn out on blogging very early in my ten years and counting time. I didn’t like my topics, didn’t like sharing personal, stuff like that. Once I pinned down my topic, I haven’t looked back.

    It seems from the volume of comments you get that your voice is strong and welcome in the blogosphere. Keep it up!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Not wanting to share personal stuff is probably one of the most challenging things to do…often people relate to personal anecdotes. Good on you for sharing what you want to share and it sounds like it works very well for you. Each comment I do value – I value everyone’s time and that is something you can’t buy but earned by trust.


  42. Blogging burnout is not fun! 😦 It does help to not think of blogging as a competition. When I feel uninspired, I usually invest my time that I typically use to blog to instead read the recent posts from bloggers I follow. It’s nice to get out of the headspace of thinking “I should be writing a new post right now but I don’t know what to write about” and take a spin in someone else’s world for a little bit. I don’t really have a method of pulling myself out from blogging burnout. I post about things I find noteworthy to write about although the topic may not attract a lot of feedback or views. Not truly having a schedule of when I post is probably why I won’t go down the path of being a social media influencer or aspiring to make money off my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is not a nice feeling when you want to write and blog and can’t think of anything to write. I do really like what you blog about, whether about your anxiety or the observations of your family. They are all so relatable and your posts read very well. Not having a schedule can work – you blog as and when you feel like it, no pressure at all. You do you, Nat. Post what you want and be yourself 🙂 I think that is also what I like about your blog – that you are yourself and so honest 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  43. Mabel, what I like about your blog is your genuine voice. I appreciate that you have taken time to leave thoughtful comments about my poems and respond to comments on your blog with the care of a friend.

    I didn’t know what blogging was when I first started and it has been a grand learning adventure where I have gotten to connect with people all around the word. This gives me hope. Personal connections across the globe can only help us to see each other as humans instead up making up stories that are far from the truth.

    The main reason I keep blogging is the gift I get from taking the time to slow down and write. If it wasn’t for blogging I know I wouldn’t stop to write the poem and writing the poem gives me the life I want to live.

    So, thank you again for the opportunity to reflect and connect across the oceans.

    You are changing the world one conversation at a time. I believe that matters but it is not the only way to make a difference. Life is short. Do what lights you up. The most important thing is to keep your light on.


    • You are very kind, Ali. Thank you so much. When people stop by, they do so in their own time and they want to be here. For that, I really do appreciate it and try to respond to everyone as best as I can.

      It sounds like you have been on quite a blogging journey yourself. Personal connections are so important – as you said, they give you hope and we see each other for who we are individually, and also together. Really like how you weave your philosophies and what you believe in in your poetry, especially how you express so much so little words with so much impact and emotion.

      I hope you keep blogging, Ali. You always find the words to express feelings that many of us can’t, and inspire us to look within us. So glad I came across your blog and keep your light on too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you Mabel. Whenever I wonder if it is worth it to keep blogging it seems I get a sincere comment of appreciation from a reader and this makes me remember why I started. I started with the intention of touching others lives, especially those who feel alone in their feelings. This is still my motivation.
        Take care.


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