10 Years of Blogging: Is Blogging Still Relevant?

These days people tend to gravitate towards social media and online video platforms, and it seems the concept of blogging is outdated.

It begs the questions: is blogging still relevant today? Is blogging dead? Do people still read blogs?

The short answer: no blogging is not dead. It is still relevant depending on how you look at it.

I started this blog exactly ten years ago. Along the journey of ten years of blogging, there has been lots of learning about consistently keeping up a blog. Over time, blogging has come to mean different things to me.

Over time, I’ve evolved as a blogger and writer. Reflecting on this ten-year blog anniversary, what I value about this blog is not what I or it has achieved, but what it has become and the impact that it has had.

Blogs can be broadly categorised as personal blogs and business blogs. Personal blogs share anecdotal stories, lessons or interests. Other blogs are more content-driven or educational, perhaps with the aim of making a profit or branding a business. There are also blogs that are a bit of both. The types of blogs are endless: food blogs, travel blogs, book blogs, photography blogs, news blogs and more – different blogs with different aims and different niches.

More than a decade ago Blogspot, Livejournal and Xanga were popular blogging platforms with close-knit communities. Today WordPress and Medium are common blog publishing spaces, with many blogging platforms blurring the boundaries between blog, opinion and news outlets often with sharp, short and visual content (think microblogging) against the trends stemming from YouTube and TikToks.

It seems that personal blogging is dying out, and maybe because personal blogging tends to read like a diary and so gives off the impression of a lack of clarity and reputation in a competitive hierarchical world. And often quite a few personal bloggers just aren’t motivated to keep on blogging. Instead, blogs that tend to stay around are those that share helpful content.

On whether any form of blogging is really relevant anymore, look at it from different perspectives: from the point of a blogger and from the point of the reader or audience.

People look to blogs to learn, for solutions and advice

There’s always something to learn and a need to learn to get by in life. You as the everyday person may want to learn a skill, figure out how to solve a problem or get to know more about a certain topic. That’s where blogs come in: both anecdotal and well-researched content on a multitude of topics lends ideas for contemplation or thoughtful guidance. In this sense, for the blogger, blogging may be a means to share their expertise and make a difference.

When I started this blog, the aim was to share my writing and stories on growing up Asian in Australia and how I never really fit in, being ‘too Asian’ and ‘too white’ and ‘absolutely lacking everything in between’. Aside from creating a writing portfolio, the intention was to inspire others to embrace their cultural identity and encourage a world where people are more respectful towards each other. Back then I had dreams of becoming a global best-selling author, and blogging was an outlet for me to put my work and mission out there – in turn giving me the feeling that I can live that dream.

People look to blogs for hobbies and personal interests

Reading blogs as a hobby or exploring your hobbies or interests through reading blogs is a way to pass the time. Personal blogs are often casual and down-to-earth, aligning with how you feel when you’re in a leisurely mood. Blogging itself can be a hobby, blogging about what you enjoy and enjoy blogging itself.

One of my favourite things about blogging is reading personal blogs. I can spend hours a night reading and engaging with blogs on the other side of the world. There’s something so calming and grounding reading everyday blogs where you see and get to know what really matters away from the mainstream.

Being a blogger I also learnt and now enjoy taking photos. So cautious about even using non-copyright or stock images on my blog that I took up photography as a hobby to get photos for my blog. Not only was my blog a space for sharing my writing, it was a space that allowed me to experiment with self-expression and simply have fun. A space where I learnt that long-term bloggers juggle many hats to keep up their blog, from being a writer to designer to marketer and more.

People look to blogs for connection

All of us long for connection with others and we all need connection throughout life. For anyone, blogging is a convenient way to connect with people and be part of communities all round the world who share similar interests, and people who can become good friends or networks. With the richness and many niches of blogging, you may very well find what you need on a deeper level connecting with bloggers and where they are coming from.

As time went on it seems that this blog has a bit of a community where people are very nice and willing to share their honest opinions. People read and reflect, contributing, learning and taking away something about cultural habits, traditions or even unconscious behaviours on a personal level that relates to them.

It’s become a space that encourages people to look beyond themselves just as much as looking within, reflecting on one’s actions in a world that is power-hungry and differences are usually discriminated. From starting out as a platform for personal reasons, this blog has become a space that serves a wider purpose: where others connect with and respect different cultures across the world, connecting within and accepting one’s individual nuances in order to move forwards as whom they are.

Blogging encouraged me to keep writing and be a more thoughtful, intentional writer. Over the years my blog aims to and has encouraged others to:

  • Recognise cultural and individual differences, empowering others to be themselves
  • Not feel so alone in the process of navigating cultural identities
  • Ask and ponder the difficult questions on what it means to belong

*  *  *

Relationships and connections in the blogging sphere can no doubt be meaningful in various ways. For bloggers who have goals of selling and marketing, having a loyal following may be a step towards financial freedom. For personal bloggers who blog for enjoyment, genuine connections are relatable and comforting, making you feel valued. And for the blog reader invested in a blog, you feel a sense of trust and self-improvement while reading a blog and expanding on what you know.

Blog engagement can go a long way in making you feel like you matter and also open up opportunities. It can also be incredibly elusive and so it’s something that humbles me. At the height of my blog engagement around 5 years of blogging, I was at the height of freelance writing: my blog was essentially my portfolio that I mentioned to potential clients (many whom took a quick skim at the visible stats and were impressed), which led to actual clients and income. And every engagement – every person who gave their time on here reading and reflecting and whom I never met in real life – made that possible.

On relating to your blog audience, readers usually want and respond to connection. As author Meera Kothand writes:

‘Your brand isn’t the logo or color palette you choose. Rather it’s the experience someone has with you.’

A lot of the time a successful and relevant blog is equated to having high engagement, many followers and many views, and perhaps making a profit off blogging. However, success and relevance are both subjective. Having the most popular blog is not the most important thing for many bloggers and not the most important thing in the world. There is no right or wrong way to blog – and it is often the connections that you make through blogging that really means the most in one way or another. Moreover, blogging consistently in the first place shows that you’re dedicated, creative and have the courage to say what’s important to you.

Blogs come and go, both personal and content-driven blogs. The average blog tends to last a few years. To keep blogging in the long-term and maintain engagement with your audience, it’s important to blog with honestly, and have a desire to blog and the flexibility to evolve as a blogger. When you have passion or purpose or both when it comes to blogging, you’re likely to want to continually expand on your content and reach – and stand out.

My blog is quite different than most others, not fitting into your typical food, travel, book, fashion or even opinion blog. Writing about cultural nuances and later branching out blogging about topics such as introversion, belonging and the writing process, I guess that makes this blog different: from ‘Asian Australian and Multiculturalism’ at the beginning, to ‘Identity and Introversion’ today. Interestingly enough, I’m not too active publicly on social media which can be a good way of connecting with a wider reach – another odd way of standing out in a digitally saturated world. And knowing what I truly value from blogging and in turn writing, being a global best-selling author isn’t important to me anymore. Rather making a positive difference and having an impact on connections made along the journey as a conscious wordsmith goes a much a longer way.

Blogging is still relevant these days. It is up to you on what you want to blog about and where you want to go with it.

How long have you been blogging? How has your blogging journey been?

196 thoughts on “10 Years of Blogging: Is Blogging Still Relevant?

  1. Alas! I am one of those who have fallen in the (blogging) wayside. After so many years, words and ideas seemed to have dried up for me, and at the same time, demands of daily living ate away at my blogging time. These days, I try to post once in a rare while just to keep my page alive. Like you, I consider the little pieces of writing here is my little treasures, if I may say so. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sometimes life calls and there are things outside of blogging. Agree with you sometimes the words and ideas dry up, and that can be frustrating. So it makes sense to step away. It is such a pleasure to read your poetry and posts over the years, Imelda. So glad to have connected with you. Hope you are doing well and take care 🙂


  2. Fascinating to explore the world of education through your blog today Mabel. I learnt piano at school and can see now the broader picture of the role this plays in our schooling. Music elevated us often at school and one day the Art teacher told me to stop in the corridor and just hear everyone playing their own tune at their music lesson. It felt full of possibilities. Like education itself. Thank you for the insight into how differences in education design can be useful in different situations. I am enjoying your blog and wish you a wonderful weekend. Lita

    Liked by 1 person

    • I loved hearing your experience with music at school. It sounded like music and art were highlights for you at school, and it was really lovely of your Art teacher to encourage you to hear everyone play their tunes, even if it meant you were standing out in the corridor. Different approaches and subjects resonate with different students at school. I do feel that music makes an impact on many students at school, whether learning it seriously or for fun. Much enjoyment, peace and understanding can be gained from learning music, especially if we are open to it. Thank you for your lovely words, Lita. Hope you are doing well over there in Oxford 😊


  3. Wow, 10 years of blogging is a huge deal. Congratulations! My WordPress blog will turn 7 in December, and like you said, there’ll always be a role for bloggers and blogging, even if the platform and type or style of blog evolves over the years. I’ve seen many come and go during my time on here, but that’s just the cycle of life. Cheers to another 10 years and beyond!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your lovely words, Rochelle. 7 years is a long time to be blogging. Congratulations on your 7 years of blogging. Yes, it is the cycle of life, bloggers and people coming and going, but there will always be some sort of community here. It is interesting to see how blogging has changed and there are still people who gravitate to it. Wishing you many more blogging years 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow Wow Mabel. A very detailed oriented blog post and I really enjoyed reading it till the end. To answer your question, I have been blogging for 3 years now and I am still going strong, I enjoy blogging and I treat it with care as if I am taking care of an infant.

    Also, I like the way you wrote about the benefits and convenience of blogging and the many hats we Bloggers wear, from being a Content strategist, to be a Marketer and a Writer where you edit and type words for that blog post. Although in nowadays, people are going for podcasts, vlogging and other hottest media for getting the information out there but as for me, I love to blog, ever since I started school, I was fascinated about the pen and paper method and till today, I love using it. Also, blogging is relevant and real even in 2023 , what makes it relevant it is that we get to read instead of watching videos or listening to audios of podcasts we get to read the Writer’s thoughts and yes blogs vary from personal to professional blogging. For me, blogging is all about having fun and I love fun , it makes me keen to keep writing, scheduling and publishing blog posts relevant to my niche being fashion and style targeting men🕴🙏


    • Thank you so much for your wonderful comment, Mthobisi. I enjoyed reading it and you mention some great points. Amazing you have been blogging for three years and are still blogging strong. It sounds like you are passionate about blogging and it means a lot to you.

      You are so spot on when you say that these days people are going for other forms of content, like podcasts. Podcasts seems to be quite popular these days, maybe even the most popular vehicle for longer-form content aside from YouTube. In general it seems shorter form content is popular these days. But I think there will always be a place for blogging. Especially with personal blogs and bloggers who are passionate, blogging and writing comes from a very special place – very intentional and meaningful. I agree with you, the pen and paper method is fascinating and I also love using it til today.

      You got a great blog going there with a wonderful niche. Fashion is a mode of expression, and men’s fashion is a unique in itself. Hope you keep blogging 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I started writing on my blog 15 years ago, and still continue until now even though I don’t write regularly. My intention is just to release my mind into digital world.
    In my spare time sometimes I like to read other people’s posts.


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